@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+#!/usr/bin/haserl --shell=/bin/bash --upload-limit=32768 --upload-dir=/www/tmp
+<%# upload limit: 32Mb %>
+## SuperGlue project | http://superglue.it | 2014 | GPLv3
+## http://git.superglue.it/superglue/serverfiles
+## author: Danja Vasiliev <danja@k0a1a.net>
+## post.sh - all POST requests are redirected to this script.
+## examples:
+## text: curl --data-urlencode '<html><title>' http://host/file.html
+## image: curl --form "userimage=@file.png" -H "Expect:" http://host/file.png
+## command: curl --data-urlencode 'ls' http://host/cmd
+## returns: 200 (+ output of operation) on success
+## 406 (+ error message in debug mode) on error
+## auth: curl --digest -u admin:changeme ...
+## no globbing, for safety
+set -o noglob
+## some path variables
+readonly _WWW='/www'
+readonly _HTDOCS="${_WWW}/htdocs"
+readonly _TMP="${_WWW}/tmp"
+readonly _LOG="${_WWW}/log/post.log"
+## multihost, example
+#if [[ $HTTP_HOST == 'domain.name' ]]; then
+# _HTDOCS="${_WWW}/domain-name"
+## _DEBUG=0 no logging at all
+## _DEBUG=1 writes to $_LOG file
+## _DEBUG=2 adds a message to HTTP response
+## logging
+logThis() {
+ [[ "$_DEBUG" -gt 0 ]] || return 0
+ [[ "$_ERR" -gt 0 ]] && _TYPE='E:' || _TYPE='I:' ## Info or Error indication
+ local _TIME=$(printf '%(%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S)T' -1)
+ printf '%b\n' "$_TIME $_TYPE ${1} " >> $_LOG
+ [[ "$_DEBUG" -gt 1 ]] && printf '%b\n' "[verbose] $_TYPE ${1}"
+ return 0
+## inject function execution trace to global _OUT
+wTf() {
+ local _WTF="$(printf '%s -> ' '| trace: '${FUNCNAME[*]:1})"
+ _OUT="$_OUT $_WTF"
+## urldecode
+urlDecode() {
+ local encoded="${1//+/ }"
+ printf '%b' "${encoded//%/\x}"
+## http response
+headerPrint() {
+ case ${1} in
+ 200) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n\n';;
+ 405) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\n\n';;
+ 406) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable\n\n';;
+ esac
+ return 0
+## takes exit code variable $? and optional "message" string.
+## exit code 0 simply falls through. when local message
+## is not provided tries to assign global $_OUT.
+## eg: errorCheck $? "bad zombie"
+## produces HTTP 406 header, $_OUT message, triggers logThis()
+## and exits the main loop with exit >= 1.
+errorCheck() {
+ _ERR=${1} ## exit code
+ [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]] || return 0
+ local _MSG=${2}
+ ## if $_OUT is present cut it down to one line
+ ## otherwise assign message from the invokation arguments
+ [[ $_OUT ]] && _OUT="${_OUT%%$'\n'*}" || { _OUT=${_MSG:='unknown error occured'}; wTf; }
+ [[ -e $_POST_TMP ]] && rm -f $_POST_TMP
+ headerPrint '406'
+ logThis "${_OUT}";
+ exit $_ERR
+## urlencoded POST dispatcher
+postUrlenc() {
+ ## set vars found in POST
+ setQueryVars
+ case "${_REQUEST_URI}" in
+ \/cmd) postCmd ;; ## handle /cmd POST
+ *) postHtml ;; ## handle html POST
+ esac
+## handle /cmd POST
+postCmd() {
+ local _CMD=( ${_POST} ) ## convert POST to array
+ [[ ${#_CMD[@]} -lt 5 ]] || errorCheck '1' "'${_CMD[*]}': too many arguments"
+ local _EXE="${_CMD[0]}" ## first member is command
+ local _ARG="${_CMD[@]:1}" ## the rest is arguments
+ ## note unquoted regex
+ [[ ! "$_ARG" =~ (\.\.|^/| /) ]] || errorCheck '1' "'$_ARG': illegal path"
+ ## 'ls' replacement function
+ lss() {
+ _D='\t' ## do we want a customizable delimiter?
+ while getopts 'la' _OPT; do
+ case $_OPT in
+ l) local _LNG="$_D%F$_D%s$_D%y$_D%U$_D%G$_D%a" ;;
+ a) shopt -s dotglob
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1)) ## removing used args
+ [[ -z "${@}" ]] && _PT="./*" ## list ./* if called with no args
+ [[ -d "${@}" ]] && _PT="/*" ## add /* to directories
+ ## if error occures return 0
+ stat --printf "%n$_LNG\n" -- "${@%%/}"$_PT 2>/dev/null || _ERR=0
+ return $_ERR
+ }
+ case "$_EXE" in
+ ls|lss) _EXE="lss"; _ARG="${_ARG}" ;; ## no error is returned
+ cp) _ARG="${_ARG}" ;;
+ rm) _ARG="${_ARG}" ;; ## add recursive option if you need
+ mv) _ARG="${_ARG}" ;;
+ mkdir) _ARG="${_ARG}" ;;
+ log) _EXE="tail"; _ARG="${_ARG} ${_LOG}" ;;
+ wget) _ARG="-q ${_ARG/ */} -O ${_ARG/* /}" ;; ## quiet
+ *) errorCheck '1' "'$_EXE': bad command" ;;
+ esac
+ ## toggle globbing
+ set +o noglob
+ _OUT=$($_EXE $_ARG 2>&1)
+ _ERR=$?
+ ## toggle globbing
+ set -o noglob
+ logThis "$_EXE $_ARG"
+ errorCheck $_ERR
+## handle html POST
+postHtml() {
+ ## save POST to file
+ _OUT=$( (printf '%b' "${_POST}" > "${_HTDOCS}${_REQUEST_URI}") 2>&1)
+ _ERR=$?
+ errorCheck $_ERR
+setQueryVars() {
+ _VARS=( ${!POST_*} )
+ local v
+ for v in ${_VARS[@]}; do
+ logThis "$v=${!v}"
+ done
+## octet POST dispatcher
+postOctet() {
+ ## get 'data:' header length
+ local IFS=','; read -d',' -r _DH < $_POST_TMP
+ case "${_ENC}" in
+ base64) postBase64Enc;;
+ binary) postBinary ;;
+ *) postGuessEnc ;; ## handle data POST
+ esac
+## to be converted into a proper data-type detection function
+postGuessEnc() {
+ shopt -s nocasematch
+ local _DTP="^.*\;([[:alnum:]].+)$" ## data-type header pattern
+ ## look for encoding in the data header
+ [[ "${_DH}" =~ ${_DTP} ]] && _ENC="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ logThis "'$_ENC:' encoding is the best guess";
+ shopt -u nocasematch
+ case "$_ENC" in
+ base64) postBase64Enc ;;
+ ## binary) _ERR=1 ;;
+ ## json) _ERR=1 ;;
+ ## quoted-printable) _ERR=1 ;;
+ *) _ERR=1; _OUT="'${_ENC:='unknown'}' encoding, unknown POST failed";;
+ esac
+ errorCheck $_ERR
+## handle base64 post
+postBase64Enc() {
+ logThis "'${_ENC}:' decoding stream"
+ _DL=${#_DH} ## get data-header length
+ [[ $_DL -lt 10 ]] && { _DL=23; _SKP=0; } || { let _DL+=1; _SKP=1; } ## '23' - what?!
+ ## the line below seems to be the best solution for the time being
+ ## dd 'ibs' and 'iflags' seem not to work on OpenWRT - investigate as it might be very useful
+ _OUT=$( dd if=${_POST_TMP} bs=${_DL} skip=${_SKP} | base64 -d > "${_HTDOCS}${_REQUEST_URI}" 2>&1)
+ _ERR=$?
+ errorCheck $_ERR
+postBinary() {
+ logThis "'binary': decoding stream"
+ ## it is unclear what will be necessary to do here
+ _OUT=$( dd if="${_POST_TMP}" of="${_HTDOCS}${_REQUEST_URI}" 2>&1 )
+ _ERR=$?
+ errorCheck $_ERR
+postMpart() {
+ logThis "'multipart': decoding stream"
+ local _BND=$(findPostOpt 'boundary')
+ ## bash is binary unsafe and eats away precious lines
+ ## thus using gawk
+ function cutFile() {
+ gawk -v "want=$1" -v "bnd=$_BND" '
+ BEGIN { RS="\r\n"; ORS="\r\n" }
+ # reset based on boundaries
+ $0 == "--"bnd"" { st=1; next; }
+ $0 == "--"bnd"--" { st=0; next; }
+ $0 == "--"bnd"--\r" { st=0; next; }
+ # search for wanted file
+ st == 1 && $0 ~ "^Content-Disposition:.* name=\""want"\"" { st=2; next; }
+ st == 1 && $0 == "" { st=9; next; }
+ # wait for newline, then start printing
+ st == 2 && $0 == "" { st=3; next; }
+ st == 3 { print $0 }
+ ' 2>&1
+ }
+ cutFile 'userimage' < "${_POST_TMP}" > "${_HTDOCS}${_REQUEST_URI}"
+ _ERR=$?
+ errorCheck $_ERR
+## find arbitrary option supplied in Content-Type header
+## eg: "Content-Type:application/octet-stream; verbose=1"
+findPostOpt() {
+ for i in "${CONTENT_TYPE[@]:1}"; do
+ case "${i/=*}" in
+ "$1") printf '%b' "${i/*=}" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ return 0
+## sanitize by backslashing all expandable symbols
+escapeStr() {
+ printf "%q" "${*}"
+## brutally replace unwanted characters
+cleanFname() {
+ shopt -s extglob
+ local _STR="${*}"
+ echo -n "${_STR//[^[:alnum:]._\-\/\\]/_}"
+ shopt -u extglob
+logThis 'yes'
+## timing
+## TODO: remove it
+## run once here and once at the end
+#read t z < /proc/uptime
+## check if we are in $_HTDOCS directory
+cd $_HTDOCS || errorCheck $? 'htdocs unavailable'
+[[ "${PWD}" == "${_HTDOCS}" ]] || errorCheck $? 'htdocs misconfigured'
+if [[ "${REQUEST_METHOD^^}" == "POST" ]]; then
+ [[ $CONTENT_LENGTH -gt 0 ]] || err 'content length is zero, 301 back to referer' '301'
+ case "${CONTENT_TYPE^^}" in
+ MULTIPART/FORM-DATA*) getQueryFile;;
+ *) _ERR=1; _OUT='this is not a post';;
+ esac
+ case $REQUEST_URI in
+ *cmd) pwdChange;;
+ *) logThis 'bad action'; headerPrint 405;
+ echo 'no such thing'; exit 1;;
+ esac
+## URI is considered as a file dest to work with
+## add 'index.html' to default and empty request uri
+_REQUEST_URI="$(urlDecode $_REQUEST_URI)"
+## check for 'verbose' option in POST
+#findPostOpt 'verbose' || { _DEBUG=2; logThis 'verbose mode is requested'; }
+logThis 'yes 2'
+#_POST_TMP=$(mktemp -p $_TMP) ## make tmp POST file
+#cat > $_POST_TMP ## cautiously storing entire POST in a file
+## dispatching POST
+case "${_CONTENT_TYPE}" in
+ application\/x-www-form-urlencoded) postUrlenc ;;
+ application\/octet-stream) postOctet ;;
+ multipart/form-data) postMpart ;;
+ *) _ERR=1; _OUT='this is not a post' ;;
+#[[ -e $_POST_TMP ]] && rm -f $_POST_TMP
+## make sure we are good
+errorCheck $_ERR
+[[ -z $_OUT ]] || _OUT="${_OUT}\n"
+headerPrint '200' ## on success
+printf '%b' "${_OUT}"
+logThis 'OK 200'
+#read d z < /proc/uptime
+#logThis $((${d/./}-${t/./}))"/100s"
+exit 0