admin2.cgi 23 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/haserl --shell=/bin/bash --upload-limit=32768 --upload-dir=/tmp
  2. <%# upload limit: 32Mb %>
  3. <%
  4. ## SuperGlue project | | 2014-2015 | GPLv3
  5. ##
  6. ##
  7. ## admin2.cgi - control panel for Superglue personal server
  8. ##
  9. ## example POST request:
  10. ## curl --data-urlencode 'key=value' http://host/uri
  11. ##
  12. ## returns: 200 (+ output of operation) on success
  13. ## 406 (+ error message in debug mode) on error
  14. readonly _WWW='/www'
  15. readonly _PWDFILE="/opt/lib/htpasswd"
  16. readonly _TMP='/tmp'
  17. readonly _LOG="${_WWW}/log/admin.log"
  18. readonly _SCRIPTS='/opt/lib/scripts'
  19. readonly _DEBUG=1
  20. readonly _IFS=$IFS
  21. err() {
  22. _ERR="$?"
  23. [[ "$_ERR" -gt 0 ]] || return 0
  24. logThis "$1"
  25. headerPrint "${2:='400'}"
  26. exit "$_ERR"
  27. }
  28. logThis() {
  29. [[ "$_DEBUG" -gt 0 ]] || return 0
  30. local _TYPE='I:'
  31. [[ "$_ERR" -gt 0 ]] && _TYPE='E:'
  32. local _TIME; printf -v _TIME '%(%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S)T' -1
  33. printf '%b\n' "$_TIME $_TYPE ${@} " >> "$_LOG"
  34. [[ "$_DEBUG" -gt 1 ]] && printf '%b\n' "[verbose] $_TYPE ${1}"
  35. }
  36. headerPrint() {
  37. case "$1" in
  38. 200|'') printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n';;
  39. 301) printf '%b' "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nLocation: $HTTP_REFERER\r\n";;
  40. 403) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n';;
  41. 405) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n';;
  42. 406) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable\r\n';;
  43. *) printf '%b' 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n';;
  44. esac
  45. printf '%b' 'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n';
  46. }
  47. ## faster echo
  48. _echo() {
  49. printf "%b" "${*}"
  50. }
  51. htDigest() {
  52. _USER='admin'
  53. _PWD=$1
  54. _REALM='superglue'
  55. _HASH=$(echo -n "$_USER:$_REALM:$_PWD" | md5sum | cut -b -32)
  56. printf "%s" "$_USER:$_REALM:$_HASH"
  57. }
  58. urlDec() {
  59. local value=${*//+/%20}
  60. for part in ${value//%/ \\x}; do
  61. printf "%b%s" "${part:0:4}" "${part:4}"
  62. done
  63. }
  64. setQueryVars() {
  65. _VARS=( ${!POST_*} )
  66. # local v
  67. # for v in ${_VARS[@]}; do
  68. # echo $v
  69. # v=$(urlDec "${v}")
  70. # eval "_${v//POST_/}=${!v}";
  71. # done
  72. local v
  73. for v in ${_VARS[@]}; do
  74. logThis "$v=${!v}"
  75. done
  76. #echo $POST_lanssid
  77. #env
  78. }
  79. runSuid() {
  80. local _SID=$(/usr/bin/ps -p $$ -o sid=) ## pass session id to the child
  81. local _CMD=$@
  82. /usr/bin/sudo $_SCRIPTS/ $_CMD $_SID 2>/dev/null
  83. }
  84. getQueryFile() {
  85. local _UPLD="${HASERL_fwupload_path##*/}"
  86. logThis "'multipart': decoding stream"
  87. mv "$_TMP/$_UPLD" "$_TMP/fwupload.bin" 2>/dev/null || _ERR=$?
  88. if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
  89. showMesg 'Firmware upload has failed' '60' 'Reboot your Superglue server and try again'
  90. fi
  91. }
  92. validIp() {
  93. local _IP=$1
  94. local _RET=1
  95. if [[ $_IP =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
  96. OIFS=$IFS
  97. IFS='.'
  98. _IP=($_IP)
  99. IFS=$OIFS
  100. [[ ${_IP[0]} -le 255 && ${_IP[1]} -le 255 && ${_IP[2]} -le 255 && ${_IP[3]} -le 255 ]]
  101. _RET=$?
  102. fi
  103. return $_RET
  104. }
  105. pwdChange() {
  106. if [[ ! -z "${POST_pwd##$POST_pwdd}" ]]; then
  107. _ERR=1
  108. showMesg 'Passwords did not match'
  109. fi
  110. if [[ ${#POST_pwd} -lt 6 ]]; then
  111. _ERR=1
  112. showMesg 'Password must be at least 6 characters long'
  113. fi
  114. _OUT=$(runSuid "echo -e \"$POST_pwd\n$POST_pwd\" | passwd root 2>&1" &&
  115. runSuid "echo $(htDigest $POST_pwd) > $_PWDFILE")
  116. _ERR=$?
  117. if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
  118. showMesg 'Password change failed!' '5' "$_OUT -"
  119. else
  120. showMesg 'Password is changed' '2'
  121. fi
  122. }
  123. lanAddr() {
  124. logThis "new LAN addr is: $POST_lanipaddr"
  125. validIp $POST_lanipaddr || showMesg 'Not valid network address'
  126. doUci set lanipaddr $POST_lanipaddr &&
  127. doUci commit network
  128. _ERR=$?
  129. if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
  130. showMesg 'Setting network address failed'
  131. else
  132. runSuid "dtach -n -zE $_SCRIPTS/"
  133. showMesg 'New network address is set' '30' "Your server is now accessible under <a href='http://superglue.local/admin'>http://superglue.local/admin</a>"
  134. fi
  135. }
  136. wanSet() {
  137. if [[ ! -z $POST_wanifname ]]; then
  138. ## eth and wlan wan cases are different!
  139. ## eth wan requires:
  140. ## config interface 'wan'
  141. ## option ifname 'eth0'
  142. ##
  143. ## config wifi-iface
  144. ## option device 'radio0'
  145. ## option network 'wan'
  146. ## option disabled '1' (or no 'config wifi-iface' section at all)
  147. ##
  148. ## wlan wan requires:
  149. ## config interface 'wan'
  150. ## option proto 'dhcp'
  151. ## (without 'option ifname' specified!)
  152. ##
  153. ## config wifi-iface
  154. ## option device 'radio0'
  155. ## option network 'wan'
  156. logThis "wan.ifname=$POST_wanifname"
  157. if [[ $POST_wanifname == 'eth0' ]]; then
  158. doUci set wanifname $POST_wanifname
  159. doUci set wanwifacedis '1'
  160. elif [[ $POST_wanifname == 'wlan1' ]]; then
  161. doUci set wanifname ''
  162. doUci set wanwifacedis ''
  163. fi
  164. if [[ $POST_wanproto == 'dhcp' ]]; then
  165. doUci set wanproto dhcp
  166. doUci set wanipaddr ''
  167. doUci set wanmask ''
  168. doUci set wangw ''
  169. doUci set wandns ''
  170. elif [[ $POST_wanproto == 'static' ]]; then
  171. logThis "wan.ipaddr=$POST_wanipaddr"
  172. doUci set wanproto static
  173. doUci set wanipaddr $POST_wanipaddr
  174. doUci set wanmask '' ## fix me
  175. doUci set wangw $POST_wangw
  176. doUci set wandns $POST_wandns
  177. fi
  178. if [[ $POST_wanifname == 'wlan1' ]]; then
  179. ssidChange || showMesg 'Wireless configuration failed'
  180. fi
  181. doUci commit network && doUci commit wireless
  182. _ERR=$?
  183. runSuid "dtach -n -zE $_SCRIPTS/"
  184. if [[ $_ERR -eq 0 ]]; then
  185. showMesg 'Internet connection is being configured' '20' 'check your Internet connection on completion - '
  186. else
  187. showMesg 'Configuring Internet connection failed'
  188. fi
  189. fi
  190. }
  191. ssidChange() {
  192. ## check for iface
  193. [[ ! $POST_iface =~ ^('wan'|'lan')$ ]] && showMesg 'Error changing wireless settings' '30' 'unknown/unconfigured interface'
  194. logThis "$POST_iface is being set"
  195. _p=$POST_iface
  196. ## default enc for now
  197. local _enc='psk2'
  198. if [[ $POST_iface == 'wan' ]]; then
  199. local _mode='sta'
  200. local _ssid="${POST_wanssid}"
  201. local _key="${POST_wankey}"
  202. else
  203. local _mode='ap'
  204. local _ssid="${POST_lanssid}"
  205. local _key="${POST_lankey}"
  206. fi
  207. #logThis "ssid: $_ssid [$_mode], key: $_key [$_enc]"
  208. #logThis $POST_wanssid
  209. if [[ ${#_ssid} -lt 4 ]]; then
  210. _ERR=1
  211. showMesg 'SSID must be at least 4 characters long'
  212. fi
  213. doUci set $_p'ssid' "${_ssid}"
  214. _ERR=$?
  215. [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]] && showMesg 'New SSID is not set'
  216. if [[ -z $_key ]]; then
  217. ## if key is empty set encryption to none and remove key
  218. doUci set $_p'key' && doUci set $_p'enc' 'none'
  219. _ERR=$?
  220. else
  221. if [[ ${#_key} -lt 8 ]]; then
  222. _ERR=1
  223. showMesg 'Passphrase must be at least 8 characters long'
  224. fi
  225. doUci set $_p'key' "${_key}" && doUci set $_p'enc' "${_enc}"
  226. _ERR=$?
  227. [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]] && showMesg 'Passphrase is not set'
  228. fi
  229. [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]] && showMesg 'Wireless configuration failed'
  230. if [[ $POST_iface == 'lan' ]]; then
  231. if [[ "$(doUci get lanipaddr)" != "${POST_lanipaddr}" ]]; then
  232. logThis 'local IP was changed'
  233. lanAddr
  234. fi
  235. fi
  236. doUci commit wireless
  237. _ERR=$?
  238. if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
  239. showMesg 'Configuration failed'
  240. else
  241. runSuid "dtach -n -zE $_SCRIPTS/"
  242. fi
  243. if [[ $POST_iface == 'lan' ]]; then
  244. showMesg 'Local network configuration is progress' '30' 'check your connection on completion - '
  245. else
  246. ## in this case wanSet() handles success message
  247. true
  248. fi
  249. }
  250. #showError() {
  251. # headerPrint 406
  252. # logThis "$@"
  253. # echo "ERROR: $@"
  254. # exit 1
  255. #}
  256. showMesg() {
  257. logThis "$@"
  258. local _MSG=$1
  259. local _TIMEOUT=$2
  260. local _SUBMSG=$3
  261. _MSG=${_MSG:='Configuration'}
  262. _TIMEOUT=${_TIMEOUT:='5'}
  263. _SUBMSG="${_SUBMSG} <span id='timeout'>${_TIMEOUT}</span> seconds to get ready.."
  264. if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
  265. local _TYPE='ERROR: '
  266. headerPrint 406
  267. else
  268. local _TYPE='OK: '
  269. headerPrint 200
  270. fi
  271. htmlHead "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='${_TIMEOUT};url=http://${HTTP_HOST}/admin'>"
  272. _echo "<body>
  273. <h1>Superglue control panel</h1>
  274. <img src='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/img/superglueLogo.png' class='logo'>
  275. <hr>
  276. <h2 style='display:inline'>$_TYPE $_MSG</h2>
  277. <span style='display:block'>$_SUBMSG</span>
  278. <hr>
  279. </body>
  280. <script type='text/javascript'>(function(e){var t=document.getElementById(e);var n=t.innerHTML;var r=setInterval(function(){if(n==0){t.innerHTML='0';clearInterval(r);return}t.innerHTML=n;n--},1e3)})('timeout')
  281. </script>
  282. </html>"
  283. exit 0
  284. # _echo "<body>
  285. #<h1>SG</h1>
  286. #<hr>
  287. #<h2 style='display:inline'>$_TYPE $_MSG</h2>
  288. #<span style='display:inline; margin-left: 50px;'>$_SUBMSG</span>
  289. #<hr>
  290. #</body></html>"
  291. # exit 0
  292. }
  293. updateFw() {
  294. logThis "updating fw"
  295. _FWFILE="${_TMP}/fwupload.bin"
  296. _OUT="$(/sbin/sysupgrade -T $_FWFILE 2>&1)"
  297. _ERR=$?
  298. [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]] && showMesg "This is not a firmware!" 10 "$_OUT -"
  299. ## using dtach to prevent sysupgrade getting killed
  300. runSuid "dtach -n -zE $_SCRIPTS/ $_FWFILE"
  301. showMesg 'Firmware upgrade is in progress..' '120' 'Device needs to reboot -'
  302. }
  303. usbInit() {
  304. _OUT="$(runSuid $_SCRIPTS/"
  305. _ERR=$?
  306. [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]] && showMesg "USB init failed!\n$_OUT"
  307. showMesg 'USB storage initialization is completed' '30'
  308. # logThis 'usb init..'
  309. }
  310. rebootNow() {
  311. logThis "reboot: now!"
  312. runSuid reboot
  313. showMesg 'Rebooting..' '60'
  314. }
  315. upTime() {
  316. local _T="$(uptime)"
  317. _ERR=$?
  318. if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
  319. headerPrint 406
  320. exit 1
  321. else
  322. headerPrint 200
  323. printf '%b' "$_T\n"
  324. exit 0
  325. fi
  326. }
  327. iwScan() {
  328. . $_SCRIPTS/
  329. headerPrint 200
  330. iwScanJ
  331. exit 0
  332. }
  333. findUsbstor() {
  334. local _P='/sys/block/'
  335. local _D _DEV
  336. for _D in ${_P}sd*; do
  337. _DEV=$(readlink -f ${_D}/device)
  338. if [[ ${_DEV/usb} != $_DEV ]]; then
  339. _USBDEV="/dev/${_D/$_P}"
  340. fi
  341. done
  342. [[ $_USBDEV ]] || return 1
  343. }
  344. storageInfo() {
  345. if mountpoint -q $_WWW; then
  346. IFS=$'\n' _STOR=( $(df -h $_WWW) ) IFS=$_IFS
  347. _STOR=( ${_STOR[1]} )
  348. else
  349. return 1
  350. fi
  351. }
  352. swapInfo() {
  353. IFS=$'\n' _SWAP=( $(runSuid swapon -s) ) IFS=$_IFS
  354. if [[ ${_SWAP[1]} ]]; then
  355. IFS=$'\t' _SWAP=( ${_SWAP[1]} ) IFS=$_IFS
  356. ## for the lack of floats add trailing 0
  357. ## divide by 1023 and split last digit by a period
  358. _SWAP[1]="$((${_SWAP[1]}0/1023))"
  359. _SWAP[1]="${_SWAP[1]%?}.${_SWAP[1]/??}M"
  360. else
  361. unset _SWAP
  362. return 1
  363. fi
  364. }
  365. trimSpaces() {
  366. local v="$*"
  367. v="${v#"${v%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
  368. v="${v%"${v##*[![:space:]]}"}"
  369. return "$v"
  370. }
  371. dynDns() {
  372. ## curently only is supported
  373. [[ $POST_dyndnsname && $POST_dyndnsuser && $POST_dyndnspass ]] || showMesg 'All values must be set!'
  374. doUci set dyndnsname "$POST_dyndnsname" &&
  375. doUci set dyndnsuser "$POST_dyndnsuser" &&
  376. doUci set dyndnspass "$POST_dyndnspass" || showMesg 'DynDNS settings failed..'
  377. ## create sha1 string per
  378. local _DURL
  379. local _AFRAID=''
  380. _DURL=$(_echo "$POST_dyndnsuser|$POST_dyndnspass" | sha1sum)
  381. _DURL="$_AFRAID${_DURL/ -/}"
  382. _DURL="$(wget -q $_DURL -O -)"
  383. local _L
  384. local _RES
  385. for _L in $_DURL
  386. do case $_L in
  387. "${POST_dyndnsname}|"*) IFS='|' _RES=( $_L ); break;;
  388. 'ERROR'*) _RES=1; break;;
  389. *) unset _RES;;
  390. esac;
  391. done
  392. [[ ! $_RES ]] && showMesg 'Domain name is not found' '10' 'Make sure you entered correct domain name -'
  393. [[ $_RES -eq 1 ]] && showMesg 'Authentication failed' '10' 'Check your username and password and try again -'
  394. logThis "${_RES[@]}"
  395. doUci set dyndnsurl "${_RES[2]}" &&
  396. doUci set dyndnsdis '' &&
  397. doUci commit
  398. showMesg 'DynDNS configuration is in progress..' '10' 'After completion, your URL will become available with in 10-15 minutes -'
  399. }
  400. doUci() {
  401. local _CMD=''
  402. local _ARG=''
  403. case $1 in
  404. get|set|commit) _CMD=$1;;
  405. *) logThis 'bad UCI command'; headerPrint 405; echo 'bad UCI command'; exit 1 ;;
  406. esac
  407. case $2 in
  408. lanssid) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid';;
  409. lanenc) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption';;
  410. lankey) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key';;
  411. lanipaddr) _ARG='network.lan.ipaddr';;
  412. wanifname) _ARG='network.wan.ifname';;
  413. wanproto) _ARG='network.wan.proto';;
  414. wanipaddr) _ARG='network.wan.ipaddr';;
  415. wanmask) _ARG='network.wan.netmask';;
  416. wangw) _ARG='network.wan.gateway';;
  417. wandns) _ARG='network.wan.dns';;
  418. wanwifacedis) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[1].disabled';;
  419. wanssid) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[1].ssid';;
  420. wanenc) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[1].encryption';;
  421. wankey) _ARG='wireless.@wifi-iface[1].key';;
  422. dyndnsdis) _ARG='superglue.dyndns.disabled';;
  423. dyndnsurl) _ARG='superglue.dyndns.updateurl';;
  424. dyndnsname) _ARG='superglue.dyndns.domainname';;
  425. dyndnsuser) _ARG='superglue.dyndns.username';;
  426. dyndnspass) _ARG='superglue.dyndns.password';;
  427. *) if [[ $_CMD == 'commit' ]]; then
  428. _ARG=$2
  429. else
  430. logThis "bad UCI entry: $2"
  431. _ERR=1
  432. showMesg 'bad UCI entry'
  433. fi ;;
  434. esac
  435. if [[ $_CMD == 'get' ]]; then
  436. if [ ! -z $_ARG ]; then
  437. /sbin/uci -q get $_ARG || return $?
  438. fi
  439. fi
  440. if [[ $_CMD == 'set' ]]; then
  441. local _VAL=$3
  442. if [ -z $_VAL ]; then
  443. logThis "empty $_ARG value, removing record"
  444. runSuid /sbin/uci delete $_ARG || ( echo "uci delete $_ARG: error"; exit 1; )
  445. fi
  446. if [ ! -z $_ARG ]; then
  447. logThis "setting $_ARG value"
  448. runSuid /sbin/uci set $_ARG=$_VAL || ( echo "uci set $_ARG: error"; exit 1; )
  449. fi
  450. fi
  451. if [[ $_CMD == 'commit' ]]; then
  452. runSuid /sbin/uci commit $_ARG || echo "uci commit $_ARG: error"
  453. # if [[ "$_ARG" == 'wireless' ]]; then
  454. # runSuid /sbin/wifi || echo 'wifi: error'
  455. # fi
  456. # if [[ "$_ARG" == 'network' ]]; then
  457. # runSuid /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
  458. # runSuid /etc/init.d/network reload
  459. # fi
  460. fi
  461. }
  462. ## call with argument to inject additional lines
  463. ## ie: htmlhead "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;URL=http://${HTTP_REFERER}'>"
  464. htmlHead() {
  465. _echo "<!-- obnoxious code below, keep your ports tight -->
  466. <!doctype html>
  467. <html>
  468. <head>
  469. <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
  470. <meta http-equiv='Cache-Control' content='no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' />
  471. <meta http-equiv='Pragma' content='no-cache' />
  472. <meta http-equiv='Expires' content='0' />
  473. <link rel='icon' href='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/img/favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon' />
  474. <title>Superglue | Control panel</title>
  475. <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/admin/admin.css' />
  476. $@
  477. </head>"
  478. }
  479. footerBody() {
  480. _echo "</body>
  481. <script type='text/javascript' src='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/admin/admin.js'></script>
  482. </html>"
  483. }
  484. if [[ "${REQUEST_METHOD^^}" == "POST" ]]; then
  485. [[ $CONTENT_LENGTH -gt 0 ]] || err 'content length is zero, 301 back to referer' '301'
  486. case "${CONTENT_TYPE^^}" in
  488. MULTIPART/FORM-DATA*) getQueryFile;;
  489. *) _ERR=1; _OUT='this is not a post';;
  490. esac
  491. case $REQUEST_URI in
  492. *pwdchange) pwdChange;;
  493. *ssidchange) ssidChange;;
  494. *lanaddr) lanAddr;;
  495. *updatefw) updateFw;;
  496. *usbinit) usbInit;;
  497. *rebootnow) rebootNow;;
  498. *wan) wanSet;;
  499. *uptime) upTime;;
  500. *iwscan) iwScan;;
  501. *dyndns) dynDns;;
  502. *) logThis 'bad action'; headerPrint 405;
  503. echo 'no such thing'; exit 1;;
  504. esac
  505. fi
  506. headerPrint '200'
  507. htmlHead
  508. read sgver < /etc/superglue_version
  509. read devmod < /etc/superglue_model
  510. read openwrt < /etc/openwrt_version
  511. . /opt/lib/scripts/
  512. ## this does not work when iface isn't configured
  513. IFS=","
  514. wan=( $(ifaceStat wan) )
  515. IFS=$OFS
  516. wanifname=${wan[3]}
  517. wanproto=$(doUci get wanproto)
  518. wanipaddr=${wan[0]}
  519. wangw=${wan[2]}
  520. wandns=${wan[5]}
  521. wanuptime=${wan[4]}
  522. wanssid=$(doUci get wanssid)
  523. wankey=$(doUci get wankey)
  524. logThis $wanifname
  525. %>
  526. <body>
  527. <h1>Superglue control panel</h1>
  528. <img src='http://<% _echo "${HTTP_HOST}" %>/resources/img/superglueLogo.png' class='logo'>
  529. <section class='inert'>
  530. <span style='display:block;'><% printf "System version: %s | Device: %s | OpenWRT: %s" "$sgver" "$devmod" "$openwrt" %></span>
  531. <span style='display:block;' id='uptime'><% uptime %></span>
  532. </section>
  533. <section>
  534. <h2>Internet connection:</h2>
  535. <form method='post' action='/admin/wan' name='wan' class='elem' id='wanconf'>
  536. <div style='display:inline-flex'>
  537. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  538. <select name='wanifname' id='wanifname' style='display:block'>
  539. <option value='eth0' id='eth' <% ( [[ $wanifname =~ ('eth') ]] && _echo 'selected' ) %> >Wired (WAN port)</option>
  540. <option value='wlan1' id='wlan' <% ( [[ $wanifname =~ ('wlan') ]] && _echo 'selected' ) %> >Wireless (WiFi)</option>
  541. </select>
  542. <fieldset id='wanwifi' <% ( [[ $wanifname =~ ('wlan') ]] && _echo "class='show elem'" || _echo "class='hide elem'" ) %>>
  543. <select name='wanssid' id='wanssid' class='elem' style='display:block'>
  544. <% if [[ -z $wanssid ]]; then
  545. _echo "<option id='scan' disabled>select a network..</option>"
  546. else
  547. _echo "<option id=$wanssid selected>$wanssid</option>"
  548. fi %>
  549. </select>
  550. <input type='password' name='wankey' placeholder='passphrase' value='<% _echo $wankey %>'>
  551. </fieldset>
  552. <span class='help'>help</span>
  553. </div>
  554. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  555. <select name='wanproto' id='wanproto' style='display:block'>
  556. <option value='dhcp' name='dhcp' id='dhcp' <% ([[ $wanproto == 'dhcp' ]] && _echo 'selected') %>>Automatic (DHCP)</option>
  557. <option value='static' name='stat' id='stat' <% ([[ $wanproto == 'static' ]] && _echo 'selected') %>>Manual (Static IP)</option>
  558. </select>
  559. <fieldset id='wanaddr' class='elem'>
  560. <input type='text' name='wanipaddr' id='wanipaddr' value='<% _echo $wanipaddr %>' <% ( [[ $wanproto =~ ('dhcp') ]] && _echo "readonly" ) %> placeholder='ip address'>
  561. <input type='text' name='wangw' id='wangw' value='<% _echo $wangw %>' <% ( [[ $wanproto =~ ('dhcp') ]] && _echo "readonly" ) %> placeholder='gateway/router'>
  562. <input type='text' name='wandns' id='wandns' value='<% _echo $wandns %>' <% ( [[ $wanproto =~ ('dhcp') ]] && _echo "readonly" ) %> placeholder='dns server'>
  563. </fieldset>
  564. </div>
  565. </div>
  566. <input type='hidden' name='iface' value='wan' class='inline'>
  567. <input type='submit' id='wansubmit' value='Apply'>
  568. </form>
  569. <span class='help'>help</span>
  570. </section>
  571. <section>
  572. <h2>Domain name:</h2>
  573. <form method='post' action='/admin/dyndns' name='dyndns' id='afraid'>
  574. <div style='display:inline-flex'>
  575. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  576. <input type='text' name='dyndnsname' id='dyndnsname' value='<% _echo $dyndnsname %>' placeholder='domain name' class='block'>
  577. </div>
  578. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  579. <input type='text' name='dyndnsuser' id='dyndnsuser' value='<% _echo $dyndnsuser %>' placeholder='dyndns username' class='block'>
  580. <input type='password' name='dyndnspass' id='dyndnspass' value='<% _echo $dyndnspass %>' placeholder='dyndns password' class='block'>
  581. </div>
  582. </div>
  583. <input type='hidden' name='dns' value='apply' class='inline'>
  584. <input type='submit' value='Apply'>
  585. </form>
  586. <h2>Dynamic DNS:</h2>
  587. Register your free domain name (external <a target='_new' href=''>Free DNS</a> service, will open in a new tab)
  588. <form target='_new' action=''>
  589. <div style='display:inline-flex'>
  590. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  591. <input type='text' name='subdomain' placeholder='yourname' class='inline'>
  592. </div>
  593. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  594. <select name='edit_domain_id' class='inline'>
  595. <option value='1035903'></option>
  596. <option value='1035903'></option>
  597. </select>
  598. </div>
  599. </div>
  600. <input type='submit' name='submit' value="next &gt;&gt;">
  601. <input type='hidden' name='web_panel' value='1'>
  602. <input type='hidden' name='ref' value='750930'>
  603. </form>
  604. <span class='help'>help</span>
  605. </section>
  606. <section>
  607. <h2>Local wireless network:</h2>
  608. <form method='post' action='/admin/ssidchange'>
  609. <div style='display:inline-flex'>
  610. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  611. <input type='text' name='lanssid' value='<% doUci get lanssid %>'>
  612. <input type='password' name='lankey' value='<% doUci get lankey %>'>
  613. </div>
  614. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  615. <input type='text' name='lanipaddr' value='<% doUci get lanipaddr %>'>
  616. <input type='hidden' name='iface' value='lan'>
  617. </div>
  618. </div>
  619. <input type='submit' value='Apply' data-wait='Configuring..'>
  620. </form>
  621. <span class='help'>help</span>
  622. </section>
  623. <section>
  624. <h2>Storage:</h2>
  625. <% if findUsbstor; then %>
  626. <% if storageInfo; then %>
  627. <div>File storage: <% _echo "${_STOR[2]} used, ${_STOR[3]} available" %></div>
  628. <div>Swap: <% swapInfo && _echo "${_SWAP[1]}" || _echo '<b>n/a</b>' %></div>
  629. <% else %>
  630. <div>USB storage device must be initialized</div>
  631. <form method='post' action='/admin/usbinit'>
  632. <input type='hidden' name='dev' value='<% _echo $_USBDEV %>'>
  633. <input type='submit' value='Initialize'>
  634. </form>
  635. <% fi %>
  636. <% else %>
  637. <div><h3>USB storage device not found!</h3>Please check and try again</div>
  638. <% fi %>
  639. <span class='help'>help</span>
  640. </section>
  641. <section>
  642. <h2>Change password:</h2>
  643. <form method='post' action='/admin/pwdchange'>
  644. <div style='display:inline-flex'>
  645. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  646. <input type='text' name='usr' value='admin' readonly>
  647. </div>
  648. <div style='display:inline-block;'>
  649. <input type='password' name='pwd' placeholder='password' value=''>
  650. <input type='password' name='pwdd' placeholder='password again' value=''>
  651. </div>
  652. </div>
  653. <input type='submit' value='Apply'>
  654. </form>
  655. <span class='help'>help</span>
  656. </section>
  657. <section>
  658. <h2>Firmware upgrade:</h2>
  659. <form method='post' action='/admin/updatefw' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
  660. <div id='uploadbox'>
  661. <input id='uploadfile' placeholder='Select a file..' class='elem' disabled='disabled'>
  662. <input id='uploadbtn' class='elem' name='fwupload' type='file'>
  663. </div>
  664. <input type='submit' value='Upload' data-wait='Uploading, do NOT interrupt!'>
  665. </form>
  666. <span class='help'>help</span>
  667. </section>
  668. <section>
  669. <h2></h2>
  670. <form action='/admin/rebootnow' method='post' class='inline'>
  671. <input type='hidden' name='reboot' value='now' class='inline'>
  672. <input type='submit' value='Reboot' class='inline'>
  673. </form>
  674. <form action='http://logout@<% _echo ${HTTP_HOST} %>/admin' method='get' class='inline'>
  675. <input type='submit' value='Logout' class='inline'>
  676. </form>
  677. </section>
  678. <div style='height:200px'></div>
  679. <hr>
  680. Memory:
  681. <pre><% free %></pre>
  682. <hr>
  683. Storage:
  684. <pre><% df -h %></pre>
  685. <hr>
  686. Environment:
  687. <pre><% env %></pre>
  688. <hr>
  689. <%
  690. footerBody
  691. exit 0
  692. %>