#!/bin/ash ## 'sg-data' partition should be already mounted here _WWW='/www' ## check is /www in mounted ## for as long as 30 seconds n=0 while ! mountpoint -q $_WWW; do [ $n -gt 30 ] && exit 1; sleep 1 let n++ done unset n _HTDOCS="$_WWW/htdocs" ## make ./htdocs if there is none [ -e $_HTDOCS ] || mkdir $_HTDOCS ## if not writable chown with httpd [ $(stat $_HTDOCS -c %U) == 'httpd' ] || chown -R httpd $_HTDOCS [ ! $(stat $_HTDOCS -c %a) -lt '755' ] || chmod -R u+rwX $_HTDOCS ## check if index.html is present [ -e $_HTDOCS/index.html ] || ( cp /opt/lib/resources/default.html $_HTDOCS/default.html chown httpd $_HTDOCS/default.html ) ## check for log directory [ -e $_WWW/log ] || ( mkdir $_WWW/log chown httpd $_WWW/log ) ## check for tmp directory [ -e $_WWW/tmp ] || ( mkdir $_WWW/tmp chown httpd $_WWW/tmp ) ## reload Lighttpd since it might have had open files in /www killall -HUP lighttpd exit 0