
function err {
  printf %s": "%s"\n" "$(basename $0)" "$1"
  exit 1

## some Superglue special checks
## USB drive should be already mounted here

## try to mount 30 times with 2 second breaks
while ! mountpoint -q $_WWW; do [[ $n -gt 30 ]] && err 'failed to mount /www..';
  sleep 2
  block mount &>/dev/null
  let n++

## if /www is mounted, then..

## make ./htdocs if there is none
[[ -e $_HTDOCS ]] || { mkdir $_HTDOCS; let E++; }
## if not writable chown with httpd
[[ $(stat $_HTDOCS -c %U) == 'httpd' ]] || { chown -R httpd $_HTDOCS; let E++; }
[[ ! $(stat $_HTDOCS -c %a) -lt '755' ]] || { chmod -R u+rwX $_HTDOCS; let E++; }

## check if index.html is present
[[ -e $_HTDOCS/index.html ]] || (
  cp /opt/lib/resources/demo.html $_HTDOCS/default.html
  chown httpd $_HTDOCS/default.html 

## check for log directory
[[ -e $_WWW/log ]] || { 
  mkdir $_WWW/log;
  chown httpd $_WWW/log;
  let E++; }

## check for tmp directory
[[ -e $_WWW/tmp ]] || { 
  mkdir $_WWW/tmp;
  chown httpd $_WWW/tmp;
  let E++; }

## if any of the above triggered reload lighttpd
[[ -z $E ]] || (
  echo 'reloading lighttpd'
  /etc/init.d/lighttpd reload