#!/bin/bash _PWD=$(pwd) _IMAGEBUILDER="$_PWD/../../../openwrt/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64" _BUILDS="$_PWD/../../../sg-builds" ## dirs with platform specific files _TARGETS='DIR505A1 TLWR710' #_TARGETS='DIR505A1' ## dir with common files _COMMON='common' _MAJOR='0.1' ## bump that on major changes #_SUFFIX='git' ## could be 'beta', 'rc', etc _SUFFIX='testing' ## could be 'beta', 'rc', etc ## read build serial, incremented on every successful build if [[ -e sg_$_MAJOR.revision ]]; then read _MINOR < sg_$_MAJOR.revision let _MINOR++ else _MINOR=0 fi ## get OpenWRT verison _OPENWRT=$(fgrep -m1 'REVISION:=' $_IMAGEBUILDER/include/version.mk || echo 'r00000') _OPENWRT=${_OPENWRT/REVISION:=/} echo $_OPENWRT > openwrt.revision _VERSION="$_MAJOR"."$_MINOR"-"$_SUFFIX" echo "About to start building version: $_VERSION" echo -e "Targets for this build: $_TARGETS\n" echo 'Removing temporary dirs (if any)' find -maxdepth 1 -name *.tmp -exec rm -Rf {} \; for _TARGET in $_TARGETS; do [[ -e $_TARGET.tmp ]] && rm -Rf $_TARGET.tmp cp -Ra $_COMMON $_TARGET.tmp cp -Ra $_TARGET/* $_TARGET.tmp/ sed -e "s/%REVISION%/$_OPENWRT/g" -e "s/%VERSION%/$_VERSION/g" $_COMMON/etc/banner > $_TARGET.tmp/etc/banner echo $_VERSION > $_TARGET.tmp/etc/superglue_version cd $_IMAGEBUILDER && make clean make image PROFILE=$_TARGET PACKAGES="bash gawk sudo procps-ps haserl lighttpd lighttpd-mod-access lighttpd-mod-cgi lighttpd-mod-compress lighttpd-mod-accesslog lighttpd-mod-rewrite lighttpd-mod-auth lighttpd-mod-alias lighttpd-mod-setenv blkid kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-vfat kmod-fs-btrfs btrfs-progs block-mount mini-sendmail kmod-usb-storage kmod-scsi-generic mount-utils kmod-nls-cp437 kmod-nls-iso8859-1 kmod-nls-utf8 kmod-nls-base coreutils-stat mini-httpd-htpasswd" FILES=$_PWD/$_TARGET.tmp BIN_DIR=$_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/openwrt && ln -s $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/openwrt/openwrt-*-factory.bin $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/superglue-firmware-$_VERSION-$(echo $_TARGET | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])-factory.bin ln -s $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/openwrt/openwrt-*-sysupgrade.bin $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/superglue-firmware-$_VERSION-$(echo $_TARGET | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])-sysupgrade.bin cd $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET md5sum *.bin > md5sums cd - if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n$_TARGET build completed\n" else _ERR=$? rm -Rf $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET fi echo 'Cleaning up..' make clean cd $_PWD rm -Rf $_TARGET.tmp done if [[ $_ERR -eq 0 ]]; then ## if build succeeded bump revision echo $_MINOR > sg_$_MAJOR.revision echo -e "\nSUCCESS\n" ## create symlinks to latest [[ -e $_BUILDS/latest ]] && touch $_BUILDS/latest || mkdir $_BUILDS/latest for _TARGET in $_TARGETS; do [[ -e $_BUILDS/latest/$_TARGET ]] && rm -f $_BUILDS/latest/$_TARGET/* || mkdir $_BUILDS/latest/$_TARGET ln -sf $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/superglue-firmware-*-factory.bin $_BUILDS/latest/$_TARGET/superglue-firmware-latest-$(echo $_TARGET | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])-factory.bin ln -sf $_BUILDS/$_VERSION/$_TARGET/superglue-firmware-*-sysupgrade.bin $_BUILDS/latest/$_TARGET/superglue-firmware-latest-$(echo $_TARGET | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])-sysupgrade.bin done else echo -e "\nFAILED\n" fi exit $_ERR