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+Serverside scripts for SuperGlue server
+Documentation | Files | Commits
+## post.sh - all POST requests are redirected to this script.
+## examples:
+## text: curl --data-urlencode '<html><title>' http://host/file.html
+## image: curl --form "userimage=@file.png" -H "Expect:" http://host/file.png
+## command: curl --data-urlencode 'ls' http://host/cmd
+## returns: 200 (+ output of operation) on success
+## 406 (+ error message in debug mode) on error
+Curently, there is only one live and public SuperGlue server running this CGI, try it: http://test.superglue.it
+SuperGlue browser extension / client that talks to post.sh can be found here: http://git.superglue.it/superglue/clientplugin/repository/archive.zip
+Take a look a SuperGlue project summary to learn more about the project.