@@ -37,16 +37,46 @@ headerPrint() {
printf '%b' 'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n';
printf '%b' 'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n';
+## faster echo
+_echo() {
+ printf "%s" "${*}"
htDigest() {
htDigest() {
_HASH=$(echo -n "$_USER:$_REALM:$_PWD" | md5sum | cut -b -32)
_HASH=$(echo -n "$_USER:$_REALM:$_PWD" | md5sum | cut -b -32)
- echo -n "$_USER:$_REALM:$_HASH"
+ printf "%s" "$_USER:$_REALM:$_HASH"
+urlDec() {
+ local value=${*//+/%20}
+ for part in ${value//%/ \\x}; do
+ printf "%b%s" "${part:0:4}" "${part:4}"
+ done
setQueryVars() {
setQueryVars() {
- env
+ _VARS=( ${!POST_*} )
+# local v
+# for v in ${_VARS[@]}; do
+ # echo $v
+# v=$(urlDec "${v}")
+# eval "_${v//POST_/}=${!v}";
+# done
+ local v
+ for v in ${_VARS[@]}; do
+ logThis "$v=${!v}"
+ done
+ #echo $POST_lanssid
+ #env
+runSuid() {
+ local _SID=$(/usr/bin/ps -p $$ -o sid=) ## pass session id to the child
+ local _CMD=$@
+ sudo ./suid.sh $_CMD $_SID 2>/dev/null
getQueryFile() {
getQueryFile() {
@@ -73,18 +103,18 @@ validIp() {
pwdChange() {
pwdChange() {
- if [[ ! -z "${_pwd##$_pwdd}" ]]; then
+ if [[ ! -z "${POST_pwd##$POST_pwdd}" ]]; then
showMesg 'Passwords did not match'
showMesg 'Passwords did not match'
- if [[ ${#_pwd} -lt 6 ]]; then
+ if [[ ${#POST_pwd} -lt 6 ]]; then
showMesg 'Password must be at least 6 characters long'
showMesg 'Password must be at least 6 characters long'
- runSuid "echo -e \"$_pwd\n$_pwd\" | passwd root"
- runSuid "echo $(htDigest $_pwd) > $_PWDFILE"
+ runSuid "echo -e \"$POST_pwd\n$POST_pwd\" | passwd root"
+ runSuid "echo $(htDigest $POST_pwd) > $_PWDFILE"
if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
showMesg 'Password change failed'
showMesg 'Password change failed'
@@ -94,9 +124,9 @@ pwdChange() {
lanAddr() {
lanAddr() {
- logThis "new LAN addr is: $_laddr"
- validIp $_laddr || showMesg 'Not valid network address'
- doUci set laddr $_laddr
+ logThis "new LAN addr is: $POST_laddr"
+ validIp $POST_laddr || showMesg 'Not valid network address'
+ doUci set laddr $POST_laddr
if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
if [[ $_ERR -gt 0 ]]; then
showMesg 'Setting network address failed'
showMesg 'Setting network address failed'
@@ -107,7 +137,7 @@ lanAddr() {
wanSet() {
wanSet() {
- if [[ ! -z $_wanifname ]]; then
+ if [[ ! -z $POST_wanifname ]]; then
## eth and wlan wan cases are different!
## eth and wlan wan cases are different!
## eth wan requires:
## eth wan requires:
## config interface 'wan'
## config interface 'wan'
@@ -126,23 +156,23 @@ wanSet() {
## config wifi-iface
## config wifi-iface
## option device 'radio0'
## option device 'radio0'
## option network 'wan'
## option network 'wan'
- logThis "wan.ifname=$_wanifname"
- if [[ $_wanifname == 'eth0' ]]; then
- doUci set wanifname $_wanifname
+ logThis "wan.ifname=$POST_wanifname"
+ if [[ $POST_wanifname == 'eth0' ]]; then
+ doUci set wanifname $POST_wanifname
doUci set wanwifacedis '1'
doUci set wanwifacedis '1'
- elif [[ $_wanifname == 'wlan1' ]]; then
+ elif [[ $POST_wanifname == 'wlan1' ]]; then
doUci set wanifname ''
doUci set wanifname ''
doUci set wanwifacedis ''
doUci set wanwifacedis ''
- if [[ $_wanproto == 'dhcp' ]]; then
+ if [[ $POST_wanproto == 'dhcp' ]]; then
doUci set wanproto dhcp
doUci set wanproto dhcp
- elif [[ $_wanproto == 'static' ]]; then
- logThis "wan.ipaddr=$_wanipaddr"
+ elif [[ $POST_wanproto == 'static' ]]; then
+ logThis "wan.ipaddr=$POST_wanipaddr"
doUci set wanproto static
doUci set wanproto static
- doUci set wanipaddr $_wanipaddr
- doUci set wannetmask $_wannetmask
+ doUci set wanipaddr $POST_wanipaddr
+ doUci set wannetmask $POST_wannetmask
- if [[ $_wanifname == 'wlan1' ]]; then
+ if [[ $POST_wanifname == 'wlan1' ]]; then
ssidChange || showMesg 'Wireless changes failed'
ssidChange || showMesg 'Wireless changes failed'
## background the following
## background the following
@@ -150,30 +180,30 @@ wanSet() {
showMesg 'Internet connection is configured' 'Waiting for device to get ready' ||
showMesg 'Internet connection is configured' 'Waiting for device to get ready' ||
showMesg 'Configuring Internet connection failed'
showMesg 'Configuring Internet connection failed'
- logThis "new WAN iface is: $_wanifname"
+ logThis "new WAN iface is: $POST_wanifname"
ssidChange() {
ssidChange() {
## check for iface
## check for iface
- [[ ! $_iface =~ ^('wan'|'lan')$ ]] && showMesg 'Error changing wireless settings' 'unknown/unconfigured interface'
- logThis "$_iface is being set"
+ [[ ! $POST_iface =~ ^('wan'|'lan')$ ]] && showMesg 'Error changing wireless settings' 'unknown/unconfigured interface'
+ logThis "$POST_iface is being set"
- _p=$_iface
+ _p=$POST_iface
## default enc for now
## default enc for now
local _enc='psk2'
local _enc='psk2'
- if [[ $_iface == 'wan' ]]; then
+ if [[ $POST_iface == 'wan' ]]; then
local _mode='sta'
local _mode='sta'
- local _ssid="${_wanssid}"
- local _key="${_wankey}"
+ local _ssid="${POST_wanssid}"
+ local _key="${POST_wankey}"
local _mode='ap'
local _mode='ap'
- local _ssid="${_lanssid}"
- local _key="${_lankey}"
+ local _ssid="${POST_lanssid}"
+ local _key="${POST_lankey}"
logThis "ssid: $_ssid [$_mode], key: $_key [$_enc]"
logThis "ssid: $_ssid [$_mode], key: $_key [$_enc]"
- logThis $_wanssid
+ logThis $POST_wanssid
if [[ ${#_ssid} -lt 4 ]]; then
if [[ ${#_ssid} -lt 4 ]]; then
@@ -221,14 +251,23 @@ showMesg() {
headerPrint 200
headerPrint 200
htmlHead "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;url=${HTTP_REFERER}'>"
htmlHead "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;url=${HTTP_REFERER}'>"
- echo "<body>
-<h2 style='display:inline'>$_TYPE $_MSG</h2>
-<span style='display:inline; margin-left: 50px;'>$_SUBMSG</span>
+ _echo "<body>
+ <h1>Superglue server control panel</h1>
+ <img src='http://"${HTTP_HOST}"/resources/img/superglueLogo.png' class='logo'>"
+ _echo "<hr>
+ <h2 style='display:inline'>$_TYPE $_MSG</h2>
+ <span style='display:inline; margin-left: 50px;'>$_SUBMSG</span>
+ <hr>"
+ footerBody
exit 0
exit 0
+# _echo "<body>
+#<h2 style='display:inline'>$_TYPE $_MSG</h2>
+#<span style='display:inline; margin-left: 50px;'>$_SUBMSG</span>
+# exit 0
updateFw() {
updateFw() {
@@ -330,20 +369,48 @@ getStat() {
logThis $IP4
logThis $IP4
+## call with argument to inject additional lines
+## ie: htmlhead "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;URL=http://${HTTP_REFERER}'>"
htmlHead() {
htmlHead() {
-echo "<!-- obnoxious code below, keep your ports tight -->
+_echo "<!-- obnoxious code below, keep your ports tight -->
<!doctype html>
<!doctype html>
-<head><title>SuperGlue | Administration</title>
+<link rel='icon' href='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/img/favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon'>
+<title>Superglue server | Control panel</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/admin/admin.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/admin/admin.css'>
-<% headerPrint '200' %>
+footerBody() {
+_echo "</body>
+<script type='text/javascript' src='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/admin/admin.js'></script>
+if [[ "${REQUEST_METHOD^^}" == "POST" ]]; then
+ [[ $CONTENT_LENGTH -gt 0 ]] || err 'content length is zero, 301 back to referer' '301'
+ case "${CONTENT_TYPE^^}" in
+ MULTIPART/FORM-DATA*) getQueryFile;;
+ *) _ERR=1; _OUT='this is not a post';;
+ esac
+ case $REQUEST_URI in
+ *pwdchange) pwdChange;;
+ *ssidchange) ssidChange;;
+ *lanaddr) lanAddr;;
+ *updatefw) updateFw;;
+ *rebootnow) rebootNow;;
+ *wan) wanSet;;
+ *) logThis 'bad action'; headerPrint 405;
+ echo 'no such thing'; exit 1;;
+ esac
+headerPrint '200'
## html head
## html head
@@ -357,100 +424,124 @@ wannetmask=$(doUci get wannetmask)
wanssid=$(doUci get wanssid)
wanssid=$(doUci get wanssid)
wankey=$(doUci get wankey)
wankey=$(doUci get wankey)
-echo "<body>
-<h2 style='display:inline'>Superglue server control panel</h2>
-<span style='display:block;'>System version: $sgver | Device: $devmod | OpenWRT: $openwrt</span>
-<span style='display:block;'>$(uptime)</span>
+ipaddr="$(ifconfig $wanifname | sed -n '/dr:/{;s/.*dr://;s/ .*//;p;}')"
-Update firmware:
-<form method='post' action='/admin/updatefw' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
-<div id='uploadbox'>
-<input id='uploadfile' placeholder='Choose file' disabled='disabled'>
-<input id='uploadbtn' name='fwupload' type='file'>
-<input type='submit' value='Upload'>
+ <h1>Superglue server control panel</h1>
+ <img src='http://<% _echo "${HTTP_HOST}" %>/resources/img/superglueLogo.png' class='logo'>
+<section class='inert'>
+ <span style='display:block;'><% printf "System version: %s | Device: %s | OpenWRT: %s" "$sgver" "$devmod" "$openwrt" %></span>
+ <span style='display:block;'><% uptime %></span>
-Internet connection:
-<form method='post' action='/admin/wan' name='wan' onchange='formChange();'>
+ <h2>Internet connection: <% _echo $ipaddr %></h3>
+ <form method='post' action='/admin/wan' name='wan' id='wanconf'> <!-- onchange='formChange();' -->
<div style='display:inline-flex'>
<div style='display:inline-flex'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
<select name='wanifname' id='wanifname' style='display:block'>
<select name='wanifname' id='wanifname' style='display:block'>
- <option value='eth0' id='eth' $([[ $wanifname =~ ('eth') ]] && echo 'selected')>Wired (WAN port)</option>
- <option value='wlan1' id='wlan' $([[ $wanifname =~ ('wlan') ]] && echo 'selected')>Wireless (Wi-Fi)</option>
+ <option value='eth0' id='eth' <% ( [[ $wanifname =~ ('eth') ]] && _echo 'selected' ) %> >Wired (WAN port)</option>
+ <option value='wlan1' id='wlan' <% ( [[ $wanifname =~ ('wlan') ]] && _echo 'selected' ) %> >Wireless (Wi-Fi)</option>
<fieldset id='wanwifi' class='hide'>
<fieldset id='wanwifi' class='hide'>
- <input type='text' name='wanssid' value='$wanssid'>
- <input type='password' name='wankey' value='$wankey'>
+ <input type='text' name='wanssid' value='<% _echo $wanssid %>'>
+ <input type='password' name='wankey' value='<% _echo $wankey %>'>
+ <span class='help'>help</span>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
<select name='wanproto' id='wanproto' style='display:block'>
<select name='wanproto' id='wanproto' style='display:block'>
- <option value='dhcp' name='dhcp' id='dhcp' $([[ $wanproto == 'dhcp' ]] && echo 'selected')>Automatic (DHCP)</option>
- <option value='stat' name='dhcp' id='stat' $([[ $wanproto == 'static' ]] && echo 'selected')>Manual (Static IP)</option>
+ <option value='dhcp' name='dhcp' id='dhcp' <% ([[ $wanproto == 'dhcp' ]] && _echo 'selected') %>>Automatic (DHCP)</option>
+ <option value='stat' name='dhcp' id='stat' <% ([[ $wanproto == 'static' ]] && _echo 'selected') %>>Manual (Static IP)</option>
<fieldset id='wanaddr' class='hide' >
<fieldset id='wanaddr' class='hide' >
- <input type='text' name='wanipaddr' id='wanipaddr' value='$wanipaddr'>
- <input type='text' name='wangw' id='wannetmask' value='$wannetmask'>
+ <input type='text' name='wanipaddr' id='wanipaddr' value='<% _echo $wanipaddr %>'>
+ <input type='text' name='wangw' id='wannetmask' value='<% _echo $wannetmask %>'>
<input type='hidden' name='iface' value='wan' class='inline'>
<input type='hidden' name='iface' value='wan' class='inline'>
<input type='submit' value='Apply'>
<input type='submit' value='Apply'>
+ </form>
+ <span class='help'>help</span>
-Local wireless network:
+<h2>Local wireless network:</h2>
<form method='post' action='/admin/ssidchange'>
<form method='post' action='/admin/ssidchange'>
<div style='display:inline-flex'>
<div style='display:inline-flex'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
- <input type='text' name='lanssid' value='$(doUci get lanssid)'>
- <input type='password' name='lankey' value='$(doUci get lankey)'>
+ <input type='text' name='lanssid' value='<% doUci get lanssid %>'>
+ <input type='password' name='lankey' value='<% doUci get lankey %>'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
<div style='display:inline-block;'>
- <input type='text' name='lanipaddr' value='$(doUci get lanipaddr)'>
+ <input type='text' name='lanipaddr' value='<% doUci get lanipaddr %>'>
<input type='hidden' name='iface' value='lan' class='inline'>
<input type='hidden' name='iface' value='lan' class='inline'>
- <input type='submit' value='Apply'>
+ <input type='submit' value='Apply'>
+ <span class='help'>help</span>
-<form action='/admin/rebootnow' method='post' class='inline'>
-<input type='hidden' name='reboot' value='now' class='inline'>
-<input type='submit' value='Reboot' class='inline'>
+<h2>Change password:</h2>
+<form method='post' action='/admin/pwdchange'>
+ <div style='display:inline-flex'>
+ <div style='display:inline-block;'>
+ <input type='text' name='usr' value='admin' readonly>
+ </div>
+ <div style='display:inline-block;'>
+ <input type='password' name='pwd' value=''>
+ <input type='password' name='pwdd' value=''>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <input type='submit' value='Apply'>
+<span class='help'>help</span>
-<form action='http://logout@${HTTP_HOST}/admin' method='get' class='inline'>
-<input type='submit' value='Logout' class='inline'>
+ <h2>Update firmware:</h2>
+ <form method='post' action='/admin/updatefw' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
+ <div id='uploadbox'>
+ <input id='uploadfile' placeholder='Choose file' disabled='disabled'>
+ <input id='uploadbtn' name='fwupload' type='file'>
+ </div>
+ <input type='submit' value='Upload'>
+ </form>
+ <span class='help'>help</span>
+ <h2></h2>
+ <form action='/admin/rebootnow' method='post' class='inline'>
+ <input type='hidden' name='reboot' value='now' class='inline'>
+ <input type='submit' value='Reboot' class='inline'>
+ </form>
+ <form action='http://logout@<% _echo ${HTTP_HOST} %>/admin' method='get' class='inline'>
+ <input type='submit' value='Logout' class='inline'>
+ </form>
+<div style='height:200px'></div>
+<pre><% free %></pre>
-<pre>$(df -h)</pre>
+<pre><% df -h %></pre>
+<pre><% env %></pre>
-<script type='text/javascript' src='http://${HTTP_HOST}/resources/admin/admin.js'></script>
+exit 0