123456789101112131415161718 |
- <script>
- // HACK: This is not an ideal way to deliver chrome messages
- // to a innef frame content but seems only way that would
- // make `event.source` an this (outer frame) window.
- window.onmessage = function(event) {
- var frame = document.querySelector("iframe");
- var content = frame.contentWindow;
- // If message is posted from chrome it has no `event.source`.
- if (event.source === null)
- content.postMessage(event.data, "*");
- };
- // Hack: Ideally we would have used srcdoc on iframe, but in
- // that case origin of document is either content which is unable
- // to load add-on resources or a chrome to which add-on resource
- // can not send messages back.
- document.documentElement.style.overflow = "hidden";
- document.documentElement.innerHTML = atob(location.hash.substr(1));
- </script>