/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { 'engines': { 'Firefox': '*' } }; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { defer, all } = require('sdk/core/promise'); const { setTimeout } = require('sdk/timers'); const { newURI } = require('sdk/url/utils'); const { send } = require('sdk/addon/events'); const { set } = require('sdk/preferences/service'); const { before, after } = require('sdk/test/utils'); require('sdk/places/host/host-bookmarks'); require('sdk/places/host/host-tags'); require('sdk/places/host/host-query'); const { invalidResolve, invalidReject, createTree, compareWithHost, createBookmark, createBookmarkTree, resetPlaces } = require('../places-helper'); const bmsrv = Cc['@mozilla.org/browser/nav-bookmarks-service;1']. getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService); const hsrv = Cc['@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1']. getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService); const tagsrv = Cc['@mozilla.org/browser/tagging-service;1']. getService(Ci.nsITaggingService); exports.testBookmarksCreate = function (assert, done) { let items = [{ title: 'my title', url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testBookmarksCreate/', tags: ['some', 'tags', 'yeah'], type: 'bookmark' }, { title: 'my folder', type: 'group', group: bmsrv.bookmarksMenuFolder }, { type: 'separator', group: bmsrv.unfiledBookmarksFolder }]; all(items.map(function (item) { return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-create', item).then(function (data) { compareWithHost(assert, data); }, invalidReject(assert)); })).then(function () { done(); }, invalidReject(assert)); }; exports.testBookmarksCreateFail = function (assert, done) { let items = [{ title: 'my title', url: 'not-a-url', type: 'bookmark' }, { type: 'group', group: bmsrv.bookmarksMenuFolder }, { group: bmsrv.unfiledBookmarksFolder }]; all(items.map(function (item) { return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-create', item).then(null, function (reason) { assert.ok(reason, 'bookmark create should fail'); }); })).then(done); }; exports.testBookmarkLastUpdated = function (assert, done) { let timestamp; let item; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testBookmarkLastUpdated' }).then(function (data) { item = data; timestamp = item.updated; return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-last-updated', { id: item.id }); }).then(function (updated) { let { resolve, promise } = defer(); assert.equal(timestamp, updated, 'should return last updated time'); item.title = 'updated mozilla'; setTimeout(() => { resolve(send('sdk-places-bookmarks-save', item)); }, 100); return promise; }).then(function (data) { assert.ok(data.updated > timestamp, 'time has elapsed and updated the updated property'); done(); }); }; exports.testBookmarkRemove = function (assert, done) { let id; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testBookmarkRemove/' }).then(function (data) { id = data.id; compareWithHost(assert, data); // ensure bookmark exists bmsrv.getItemTitle(id); // does not throw an error return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-remove', data); }).then(function () { assert.throws(function () { bmsrv.getItemTitle(id); }, 'item should no longer exist'); done(); }, assert.fail); }; exports.testBookmarkGet = function (assert, done) { let bookmark; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testBookmarkGet/' }).then(function (data) { bookmark = data; return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-get', { id: data.id }); }).then(function (data) { 'title url index group updated type tags'.split(' ').map(function (prop) { if (prop === 'tags') { for (let tag of bookmark.tags) { assert.ok(~data.tags.indexOf(tag), 'correctly fetched tag ' + tag); } assert.equal(bookmark.tags.length, data.tags.length, 'same amount of tags'); } else assert.equal(bookmark[prop], data[prop], 'correctly fetched ' + prop); }); done(); }); }; exports.testTagsTag = function (assert, done) { let url; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testTagsTag/', }).then(function (data) { url = data.url; return send('sdk-places-tags-tag', { url: data.url, tags: ['mozzerella', 'foxfire'] }); }).then(function () { let tags = tagsrv.getTagsForURI(newURI(url)); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('mozzerella'), 'first tag found'); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('foxfire'), 'second tag found'); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('firefox'), 'default tag found'); assert.equal(tags.length, 3, 'no extra tags'); done(); }); }; exports.testTagsUntag = function (assert, done) { let item; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testTagsUntag/', tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'] }).then(data => { item = data; return send('sdk-places-tags-untag', { url: item.url, tags: ['tag2', 'firefox'] }); }).then(function () { let tags = tagsrv.getTagsForURI(newURI(item.url)); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('tag1'), 'first tag persisted'); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('tag3'), 'second tag persisted'); assert.ok(!~tags.indexOf('firefox'), 'first tag removed'); assert.ok(!~tags.indexOf('tag2'), 'second tag removed'); assert.equal(tags.length, 2, 'no extra tags'); done(); }); }; exports.testTagsGetURLsByTag = function (assert, done) { let item; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testTagsGetURLsByTag/' }).then(function (data) { item = data; return send('sdk-places-tags-get-urls-by-tag', { tag: 'firefox' }); }).then(function(urls) { assert.equal(item.url, urls[0], 'returned correct url'); assert.equal(urls.length, 1, 'returned only one url'); done(); }); }; exports.testTagsGetTagsByURL = function (assert, done) { let item; createBookmark({ url: 'http://test-places-host.com/testTagsGetURLsByTag/', tags: ['firefox', 'mozilla', 'metal'] }).then(function (data) { item = data; return send('sdk-places-tags-get-tags-by-url', { url: data.url, }); }).then(function(tags) { assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('firefox'), 'returned first tag'); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('mozilla'), 'returned second tag'); assert.ok(~tags.indexOf('metal'), 'returned third tag'); assert.equal(tags.length, 3, 'returned all tags'); done(); }); }; exports.testHostQuery = function (assert, done) { all([ createBookmark({ url: 'http://firefox.com/testHostQuery/', tags: ['firefox', 'mozilla'] }), createBookmark({ url: 'http://mozilla.com/testHostQuery/', tags: ['mozilla'] }), createBookmark({ url: 'http://thunderbird.com/testHostQuery/' }) ]).then(data => { return send('sdk-places-query', { queries: { tags: ['mozilla'] }, options: { sortingMode: 6, queryType: 1 } // sort by URI ascending, bookmarks only }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should only return two'); assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://mozilla.com/testHostQuery/', 'is sorted by URI asc'); return send('sdk-places-query', { queries: { tags: ['mozilla'] }, options: { sortingMode: 5, queryType: 1 } // sort by URI descending, bookmarks only }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should only return two'); assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://firefox.com/testHostQuery/', 'is sorted by URI desc'); done(); }); }; exports.testHostMultiQuery = function (assert, done) { all([ createBookmark({ url: 'http://firefox.com/testHostMultiQuery/', tags: ['firefox', 'mozilla'] }), createBookmark({ url: 'http://mozilla.com/testHostMultiQuery/', tags: ['mozilla'] }), createBookmark({ url: 'http://thunderbird.com/testHostMultiQuery/' }) ]).then(data => { return send('sdk-places-query', { queries: [{ tags: ['firefox'] }, { uri: 'http://thunderbird.com/testHostMultiQuery/' }], options: { sortingMode: 5, queryType: 1 } // sort by URI descending, bookmarks only }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should return 2 results ORing queries'); assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://firefox.com/testHostMultiQuery/', 'should match URL or tag'); assert.equal(results[1].url, 'http://thunderbird.com/testHostMultiQuery/', 'should match URL or tag'); return send('sdk-places-query', { queries: [{ tags: ['firefox'], url: 'http://mozilla.com/testHostMultiQuery/' }], options: { sortingMode: 5, queryType: 1 } // sort by URI descending, bookmarks only }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 0, 'query props should be AND\'d'); done(); }); }; exports.testGetAllBookmarks = function (assert, done) { createBookmarkTree().then(() => { return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-get-all', {}); }).then(res => { assert.equal(res.length, 8, 'all bookmarks returned'); done(); }, assert.fail); }; exports.testGetAllChildren = function (assert, done) { createBookmarkTree().then(results => { return send('sdk-places-bookmarks-get-children', { id: results.filter(({title}) => title === 'mozgroup')[0].id }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 5, 'should return all children and folders at a single depth'); done(); }); }; before(exports, (name, assert, done) => resetPlaces(done)); after(exports, (name, assert, done) => resetPlaces(done));