/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { 'engines': { 'Firefox': '*' } }; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { defer, all } = require('sdk/core/promise'); const { has } = require('sdk/util/array'); const { setTimeout } = require('sdk/timers'); const { before, after } = require('sdk/test/utils'); const { set } = require('sdk/preferences/service'); const { search } = require('sdk/places/history'); const { invalidResolve, invalidReject, createTree, compareWithHost, addVisits, resetPlaces } = require('../places-helper'); const { promisedEmitter } = require('sdk/places/utils'); exports.testEmptyQuery = function (assert, done) { let within = toBeWithin(); addVisits([ 'http://simplequery-1.com', 'http://simplequery-2.com' ]).then(searchP).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'Correct number of entries returned'); assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://simplequery-1.com/', 'matches url'); assert.equal(results[1].url, 'http://simplequery-2.com/', 'matches url'); assert.equal(results[0].title, 'Test visit for ' + results[0].url, 'title matches'); assert.equal(results[1].title, 'Test visit for ' + results[1].url, 'title matches'); assert.equal(results[0].visitCount, 1, 'matches access'); assert.equal(results[1].visitCount, 1, 'matches access'); assert.ok(within(results[0].time), 'accurate access time'); assert.ok(within(results[1].time), 'accurate access time'); assert.equal(Object.keys(results[0]).length, 4, 'no addition exposed properties on history result'); done(); }, invalidReject); }; exports.testVisitCount = function (assert, done) { addVisits([ 'http://simplequery-1.com', 'http://simplequery-1.com', 'http://simplequery-1.com', 'http://simplequery-1.com' ]).then(searchP).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 1, 'Correct number of entries returned'); assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://simplequery-1.com/', 'correct url'); assert.equal(results[0].visitCount, 4, 'matches access count'); done(); }, invalidReject); }; /* * Tests 4 scenarios * '*.mozilla.org' * 'mozilla.org' * 'http://mozilla.org/' * 'http://mozilla.org/*' */ exports.testSearchURL = function (assert, done) { addVisits([ 'http://developer.mozilla.org', 'http://mozilla.org', 'http://mozilla.org/index', 'https://mozilla.org' ]).then(() => searchP({ url: '*.mozilla.org' })) .then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 4, 'returns all entries'); return searchP({ url: 'mozilla.org' }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 3, 'returns entries where mozilla.org is host'); return searchP({ url: 'http://mozilla.org/' }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 1, 'should just be an exact match'); return searchP({ url: 'http://mozilla.org/*' }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should match anything starting with substring'); done(); }); }; // Disabling due to intermittent Bug 892619 // TODO solve this /* exports.testSearchTimeRange = function (assert, done) { let firstTime, secondTime; addVisits([ 'http://earlyvisit.org', 'http://earlyvisit.org/earlytown.html' ]).then(searchP).then(results => { firstTime = results[0].time; var deferred = defer(); setTimeout(function () deferred.resolve(), 1000); return deferred.promise; }).then(() => { return addVisits(['http://newvisit.org', 'http://newvisit.org/whoawhoa.html']); }).then(searchP).then(results => { results.filter(({url, time}) => { if (/newvisit/.test(url)) secondTime = time; }); return searchP({ from: firstTime - 1000 }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 4, 'should return all entries'); return searchP({ to: firstTime + 500 }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should return only first entries'); results.map(item => { assert.ok(/earlyvisit/.test(item.url), 'correct entry'); }); return searchP({ from: firstTime + 500 }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should return only last entries'); results.map(item => { assert.ok(/newvisit/.test(item.url), 'correct entry'); }); done(); }); }; */ exports.testSearchQuery = function (assert, done) { addVisits([ 'http://mozilla.com', 'http://webaud.io', 'http://mozilla.com/webfwd' ]).then(() => { return searchP({ query: 'moz' }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should return urls that match substring'); results.map(({url}) => { assert.ok(/moz/.test(url), 'correct item'); }); return searchP([{ query: 'webfwd' }, { query: 'aud.io' }]); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, 2, 'should OR separate queries'); results.map(({url}) => { assert.ok(/webfwd|aud\.io/.test(url), 'correct item'); }); done(); }); }; /* * Query Options */ exports.testSearchCount = function (assert, done) { addVisits([ 'http://mozilla.com', 'http://webaud.io', 'http://mozilla.com/webfwd', 'http://developer.mozilla.com', 'http://bandcamp.com' ]).then(testCount(1)) .then(testCount(2)) .then(testCount(3)) .then(testCount(5)) .then(done); function testCount (n) { return function () { return searchP({}, { count: n }).then(results => { assert.equal(results.length, n, 'count ' + n + ' returns ' + n + ' results'); }); }; } }; exports.testSearchSort = function (assert, done) { let places = [ 'http://mozilla.com/', 'http://webaud.io/', 'http://mozilla.com/webfwd/', 'http://developer.mozilla.com/', 'http://bandcamp.com/' ]; addVisits(places).then(() => { return searchP({}, { sort: 'title' }); }).then(results => { checkOrder(results, [4,3,0,2,1]); return searchP({}, { sort: 'title', descending: true }); }).then(results => { checkOrder(results, [1,2,0,3,4]); return searchP({}, { sort: 'url' }); }).then(results => { checkOrder(results, [4,3,0,2,1]); return searchP({}, { sort: 'url', descending: true }); }).then(results => { checkOrder(results, [1,2,0,3,4]); return addVisits('http://mozilla.com') // for visit conut .then(() => addVisits('http://github.com')); // for checking date }).then(() => { return searchP({}, { sort: 'visitCount' }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results[5].url, 'http://mozilla.com/', 'last entry is the highest visit count'); return searchP({}, { sort: 'visitCount', descending: true }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://mozilla.com/', 'first entry is the highest visit count'); return searchP({}, { sort: 'date' }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results[5].url, 'http://github.com/', 'latest visited should be first'); return searchP({}, { sort: 'date', descending: true }); }).then(results => { assert.equal(results[0].url, 'http://github.com/', 'latest visited should be at the end'); }).then(done); function checkOrder (results, nums) { assert.equal(results.length, nums.length, 'expected return count'); for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { assert.equal(results[i].url, places[nums[i]], 'successful order'); } } }; exports.testEmitters = function (assert, done) { let urls = [ 'http://mozilla.com/', 'http://webaud.io/', 'http://mozilla.com/webfwd/', 'http://developer.mozilla.com/', 'http://bandcamp.com/' ]; addVisits(urls).then(() => { let count = 0; search().on('data', item => { assert.ok(~urls.indexOf(item.url), 'data value found in url list'); count++; }).on('end', results => { assert.equal(results.length, 5, 'correct count of items'); assert.equal(count, 5, 'data event called 5 times'); done(); }); }); }; function toBeWithin (range) { range = range || 2000; var current = new Date() * 1000; // convert to microseconds return compared => { return compared - current < range; }; } function searchP () { return promisedEmitter(search.apply(null, Array.slice(arguments))); } before(exports, (name, assert, done) => resetPlaces(done)); after(exports, (name, assert, done) => resetPlaces(done));