/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { PageMod } = require("sdk/page-mod"); const tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); const { startServerAsync } = require("sdk/test/httpd"); const serverPort = 8099; exports.testCrossDomainIframe = function(assert, done) { let server = startServerAsync(serverPort); server.registerPathHandler("/iframe", function handle(request, response) { response.write("foo"); }); let pageMod = PageMod({ include: "about:*", contentScript: "new " + function ContentScriptScope() { self.on("message", function (url) { let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.addEventListener("load", function onload() { iframe.removeEventListener("load", onload, false); self.postMessage(iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML); }, false); iframe.setAttribute("src", url); document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe); }); }, onAttach: function(w) { w.on("message", function (body) { assert.equal(body, "foo", "received iframe html content"); pageMod.destroy(); w.tab.close(function() { server.stop(done); }); }); w.postMessage("http://localhost:8099/iframe"); } }); tabs.open({ url: "about:home", inBackground: true }); }; exports.testCrossDomainXHR = function(assert, done) { let server = startServerAsync(serverPort); server.registerPathHandler("/xhr", function handle(request, response) { response.write("foo"); }); let pageMod = PageMod({ include: "about:*", contentScript: "new " + function ContentScriptScope() { self.on("message", function (url) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); request.open("GET", url, true); request.onload = function () { self.postMessage(request.responseText); }; request.send(null); }); }, onAttach: function(w) { w.on("message", function (body) { assert.equal(body, "foo", "received XHR content"); pageMod.destroy(); w.tab.close(function() { server.stop(done); }); }); w.postMessage("http://localhost:8099/xhr"); } }); tabs.open({ url: "about:home", inBackground: true }); }; require("sdk/test/runner").runTestsFromModule(module);