/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; module.metadata = { "stability": "experimental", "engines": { "Firefox": "*" } }; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const browserHistory = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory); const asyncHistory = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/history;1"]. getService(Ci.mozIAsyncHistory); const bmsrv = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-bookmarks-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService); const taggingService = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/tagging-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsITaggingService); const ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']. getService(Ci.nsIIOService); const { query } = require('./host-query'); const { defer, all, resolve, promised, reject } = require('../../core/promise'); const { request, response } = require('../../addon/host'); const { send } = require('../../addon/events'); const { on, emit } = require('../../event/core'); const { filter } = require('../../event/utils'); const { URL, isValidURI } = require('../../url'); const { newURI } = require('../../url/utils'); const DEFAULT_INDEX = bmsrv.DEFAULT_INDEX; const UNSORTED_ID = bmsrv.unfiledBookmarksFolder; const ROOT_FOLDERS = [ bmsrv.unfiledBookmarksFolder, bmsrv.toolbarFolder, bmsrv.tagsFolder, bmsrv.bookmarksMenuFolder ]; const EVENT_MAP = { 'sdk-places-bookmarks-create': createBookmarkItem, 'sdk-places-bookmarks-save': saveBookmarkItem, 'sdk-places-bookmarks-last-updated': getBookmarkLastUpdated, 'sdk-places-bookmarks-get': getBookmarkItem, 'sdk-places-bookmarks-remove': removeBookmarkItem, 'sdk-places-bookmarks-get-all': getAllBookmarks, 'sdk-places-bookmarks-get-children': getChildren }; function typeMap (type) { if (typeof type === 'number') { if (bmsrv.TYPE_BOOKMARK === type) return 'bookmark'; if (bmsrv.TYPE_FOLDER === type) return 'group'; if (bmsrv.TYPE_SEPARATOR === type) return 'separator'; } else { if ('bookmark' === type) return bmsrv.TYPE_BOOKMARK; if ('group' === type) return bmsrv.TYPE_FOLDER; if ('separator' === type) return bmsrv.TYPE_SEPARATOR; } } function getBookmarkLastUpdated ({id}) resolve(bmsrv.getItemLastModified(id)) exports.getBookmarkLastUpdated; function createBookmarkItem (data) { let error; if (data.group == null) data.group = UNSORTED_ID; if (data.index == null) data.index = DEFAULT_INDEX; if (data.type === 'group') data.id = bmsrv.createFolder( data.group, data.title, data.index ); else if (data.type === 'separator') data.id = bmsrv.insertSeparator( data.group, data.index ); else data.id = bmsrv.insertBookmark( data.group, newURI(data.url), data.index, data.title ); // In the event where default or no index is provided (-1), // query the actual index for the response if (data.index === -1) data.index = bmsrv.getItemIndex(data.id); data.updated = bmsrv.getItemLastModified(data.id); return tag(data, true).then(() => data); } exports.createBookmarkItem = createBookmarkItem; function saveBookmarkItem (data) { let id = data.id; if (!id) reject('Item is missing id'); let group = bmsrv.getFolderIdForItem(id); let index = bmsrv.getItemIndex(id); let type = bmsrv.getItemType(id); let title = typeMap(type) !== 'separator' ? bmsrv.getItemTitle(id) : undefined; let url = typeMap(type) === 'bookmark' ? bmsrv.getBookmarkURI(id).spec : undefined; if (url != data.url) bmsrv.changeBookmarkURI(id, newURI(data.url)); else if (typeMap(type) === 'bookmark') data.url = url; if (title != data.title) bmsrv.setItemTitle(id, data.title); else if (typeMap(type) !== 'separator') data.title = title; if (data.group && data.group !== group) bmsrv.moveItem(id, data.group, data.index || -1); else if (data.index != null && data.index !== index) { // We use moveItem here instead of setItemIndex // so we don't have to manage the indicies of the siblings bmsrv.moveItem(id, group, data.index); } else if (data.index == null) data.index = index; data.updated = bmsrv.getItemLastModified(data.id); return tag(data).then(() => data); } exports.saveBookmarkItem = saveBookmarkItem; function removeBookmarkItem (data) { let id = data.id; if (!id) reject('Item is missing id'); bmsrv.removeItem(id); return resolve(null); } exports.removeBookmarkItem = removeBookmarkItem; function getBookmarkItem (data) { let id = data.id; if (!id) reject('Item is missing id'); let type = bmsrv.getItemType(id); data.type = typeMap(type); if (type === bmsrv.TYPE_BOOKMARK || type === bmsrv.TYPE_FOLDER) data.title = bmsrv.getItemTitle(id); if (type === bmsrv.TYPE_BOOKMARK) { data.url = bmsrv.getBookmarkURI(id).spec; // Should be moved into host-tags as a method data.tags = taggingService.getTagsForURI(newURI(data.url), {}); } data.group = bmsrv.getFolderIdForItem(id); data.index = bmsrv.getItemIndex(id); data.updated = bmsrv.getItemLastModified(data.id); return resolve(data); } exports.getBookmarkItem = getBookmarkItem; function getAllBookmarks () { return query({}, { queryType: 1 }).then(bookmarks => all(bookmarks.map(getBookmarkItem))); } exports.getAllBookmarks = getAllBookmarks; function getChildren ({ id }) { if (typeMap(bmsrv.getItemType(id)) !== 'group') return []; let ids = []; for (let i = 0; ids[ids.length - 1] !== -1; i++) ids.push(bmsrv.getIdForItemAt(id, i)); ids.pop(); return all(ids.map(id => getBookmarkItem({ id: id }))); } exports.getChildren = getChildren; /* * Hook into host */ let reqStream = filter(request, function (data) /sdk-places-bookmarks/.test(data.event)); on(reqStream, 'data', function ({event, id, data}) { if (!EVENT_MAP[event]) return; let resData = { id: id, event: event }; promised(EVENT_MAP[event])(data).then(res => { resData.data = res; respond(resData); }, reason => { resData.error = reason; respond(resData); }); }); function respond (data) { emit(response, 'data', data); } function tag (data, isNew) { // If a new item, we can skip checking what other tags // are on the item if (data.type !== 'bookmark') { return resolve(); } else if (!isNew) { return send('sdk-places-tags-get-tags-by-url', { url: data.url }) .then(tags => { return send('sdk-places-tags-untag', { tags: tags.filter(tag => !~data.tags.indexOf(tag)), url: data.url }); }).then(() => send('sdk-places-tags-tag', { url: data.url, tags: data.tags })); } else if (data.tags && data.tags.length) { return send('sdk-places-tags-tag', { url: data.url, tags: data.tags }); } else return resolve(); }