/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { windows, isInteractive, isDocumentLoaded, getOuterId, isTopLevel } = require("../window/utils"); const { InputPort } = require("./system"); const { lift, merges, foldp, keepIf, start, Input } = require("../event/utils"); const { patch } = require("diffpatcher/index"); const { on } = require("../event/core"); const { Sequence, seq, filter, object, pairs } = require("../util/sequence"); // Create lazy iterators from the regular arrays, although // once https://github.com/mozilla/addon-sdk/pull/1314 lands // `windows` will be transforme to lazy iterators. // When iterated over belowe sequences items will represent // state of windows at the time of iteration. const opened = seq(function*() { const items = windows(null, {includePrivates: true}); for (let item of items) yield [getOuterId(item), item]; }); const interactive = filter(([_, window]) => isInteractive(window), opened); const loaded = filter(([_, window]) => isDocumentLoaded(window), opened); // Helper function that converts given argument to a delta. const Update = window => window && object([getOuterId(window), window]); const Delete = window => window && object([getOuterId(window), null]); // Signal represents delta for last opened top level window. const LastOpened = lift(Update, new InputPort({topic: "domwindowopened"})); exports.LastOpened = LastOpened; // Signal represents delta for last top level window close. const LastClosed = lift(Delete, new InputPort({topic: "domwindowclosed"})); exports.LastClosed = LastClosed; const windowFor = document => document && document.defaultView; // Signal represent delta for last top level window document becoming interactive. const InteractiveDoc = new InputPort({topic: "chrome-document-interactive"}); const InteractiveWin = lift(windowFor, InteractiveDoc); const LastInteractive = lift(Update, keepIf(isTopLevel, null, InteractiveWin)); exports.LastInteractive = LastInteractive; // Signal represent delta for last top level window loaded. const LoadedDoc = new InputPort({topic: "chrome-document-loaded"}); const LoadedWin = lift(windowFor, LoadedDoc); const LastLoaded = lift(Update, keepIf(isTopLevel, null, LoadedWin)); exports.LastLoaded = LastLoaded; const initialize = input => { if (!input.initialized) { input.value = object(...input.value); Input.start(input); input.initialized = true; } }; // Signal represents set of currently opened top level windows, updated // to new set any time window is opened or closed. const Opened = foldp(patch, opened, merges([LastOpened, LastClosed])); Opened[start] = initialize; exports.Opened = Opened; // Signal represents set of top level interactive windows, updated any // time new window becomes interactive or one get's closed. const Interactive = foldp(patch, interactive, merges([LastInteractive, LastClosed])); Interactive[start] = initialize; exports.Interactive = Interactive; // Signal represents set of top level loaded window, updated any time // new window becomes interactive or one get's closed. const Loaded = foldp(patch, loaded, merges([LastLoaded, LastClosed])); Loaded[start] = initialize; exports.Loaded = Loaded;