/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; let { Loader, main, unload, parseStack, generateMap, resolve, join } = require('toolkit/loader'); let { readURI } = require('sdk/net/url'); let root = module.uri.substr(0, module.uri.lastIndexOf('/')) // The following adds Debugger constructor to the global namespace. const { Cu } = require('chrome'); const { addDebuggerToGlobal } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/jsdebugger.jsm', {}); addDebuggerToGlobal(this); exports['test resolve'] = function (assert) { let cuddlefish_id = 'sdk/loader/cuddlefish'; assert.equal(resolve('../index.js', './dir/c.js'), './index.js'); assert.equal(resolve('./index.js', './dir/c.js'), './dir/index.js'); assert.equal(resolve('./dir/c.js', './index.js'), './dir/c.js'); assert.equal(resolve('../utils/file.js', './dir/b.js'), './utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('../utils/./file.js', './dir/b.js'), './utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('../utils/file.js', './'), './../utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('./utils/file.js', './'), './utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('./utils/file.js', './index.js'), './utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('../utils/./file.js', cuddlefish_id), 'sdk/utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('../utils/file.js', cuddlefish_id), 'sdk/utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('./utils/file.js', cuddlefish_id), 'sdk/loader/utils/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('..//index.js', './dir/c.js'), './index.js'); assert.equal(resolve('../../gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm', 'resource://thing/utils/file.js'), 'resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); assert.equal(resolve('../../gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm', 'chrome://thing/utils/file.js'), 'chrome://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); assert.equal(resolve('../../a/b/c.json', 'file:///thing/utils/file.js'), 'file:///a/b/c.json'); // Does not change absolute paths assert.equal(resolve('resource://gre/modules/file.js', './dir/b.js'), 'resource://gre/modules/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('file:///gre/modules/file.js', './dir/b.js'), 'file:///gre/modules/file.js'); assert.equal(resolve('/root.js', './dir/b.js'), '/root.js'); }; exports['test join'] = function (assert) { assert.equal(join('a/path', '../../../module'), '../module'); assert.equal(join('a/path/to', '../module'), 'a/path/module'); assert.equal(join('a/path/to', './module'), 'a/path/to/module'); assert.equal(join('a/path/to', '././../module'), 'a/path/module'); assert.equal(join('resource://my/path/yeah/yuh', '../whoa'), 'resource://my/path/yeah/whoa'); assert.equal(join('resource://my/path/yeah/yuh', './whoa'), 'resource://my/path/yeah/yuh/whoa'); assert.equal(join('file:///my/path/yeah/yuh', '../whoa'), 'file:///my/path/yeah/whoa'); assert.equal(join('file:///my/path/yeah/yuh', './whoa'), 'file:///my/path/yeah/yuh/whoa'); assert.equal(join('a/path/to', '..//module'), 'a/path/module'); }; exports['test dependency cycles'] = function(assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/cycles/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); let program = main(loader, 'main'); assert.equal(program.a.b, program.b, 'module `a` gets correct `b`'); assert.equal(program.b.a, program.a, 'module `b` gets correct `a`'); assert.equal(program.c.main, program, 'module `c` gets correct `main`'); unload(loader); } exports['test syntax errors'] = function(assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/syntax-error/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); try { let program = main(loader, 'main'); } catch (error) { assert.equal(error.name, "SyntaxError", "throws syntax error"); assert.equal(error.fileName.split("/").pop(), "error.js", "Error contains filename"); assert.equal(error.lineNumber, 11, "error is on line 11"); let stack = parseStack(error.stack); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, uri + "error.js", "last frame file containing syntax error"); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, uri + "main.js", "previous frame is a requirer module"); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, module.uri, "previous to it is a test module"); } finally { unload(loader); } } exports['test sandboxes are not added if error'] = function (assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/missing-twice/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); let program = main(loader, 'main'); assert.ok(!(uri + 'not-found.js' in loader.sandboxes), 'not-found.js not in loader.sandboxes'); } exports['test missing module'] = function(assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/missing/' let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); try { let program = main(loader, 'main') } catch (error) { assert.equal(error.message, "Module `not-found` is not found at " + uri + "not-found.js", "throws if error not found"); assert.equal(error.fileName.split("/").pop(), "main.js", "Error fileName is requirer module"); assert.equal(error.lineNumber, 7, "error is on line 7"); let stack = parseStack(error.stack); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, uri + "main.js", "loader stack is omitted"); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, module.uri, "previous in the stack is test module"); } finally { unload(loader); } } exports["test invalid module not cached and throws everytime"] = function(assert) { let uri = root + "/fixtures/loader/missing-twice/"; let loader = Loader({ paths: { "": uri } }); let { firstError, secondError, invalidJSON1, invalidJSON2 } = main(loader, "main"); assert.equal(firstError.message, "Module `not-found` is not found at " + uri + "not-found.js", "throws on first invalid require"); assert.equal(firstError.lineNumber, 8, "first error is on line 7"); assert.equal(secondError.message, "Module `not-found` is not found at " + uri + "not-found.js", "throws on second invalid require"); assert.equal(secondError.lineNumber, 14, "second error is on line 14"); assert.equal(invalidJSON1.message, "JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data", "throws on invalid JSON"); assert.equal(invalidJSON2.message, "JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data", "throws on invalid JSON second time"); }; exports['test exceptions in modules'] = function(assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/exceptions/' let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); try { let program = main(loader, 'main') } catch (error) { assert.equal(error.message, "Boom!", "thrown errors propagate"); assert.equal(error.fileName.split("/").pop(), "boomer.js", "Error comes from the module that threw it"); assert.equal(error.lineNumber, 8, "error is on line 8"); let stack = parseStack(error.stack); let frame = stack.pop() assert.equal(frame.fileName, uri + "boomer.js", "module that threw is first in the stack"); assert.equal(frame.name, "exports.boom", "name is in the stack"); frame = stack.pop() assert.equal(frame.fileName, uri + "main.js", "module that called it is next in the stack"); assert.equal(frame.lineNumber, 9, "caller line is in the stack"); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, module.uri, "this test module is next in the stack"); } finally { unload(loader); } } exports['test early errors in module'] = function(assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/errors/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); try { let program = main(loader, 'main') } catch (error) { assert.equal(String(error), "Error: opening input stream (invalid filename?)", "thrown errors propagate"); assert.equal(error.fileName.split("/").pop(), "boomer.js", "Error comes from the module that threw it"); assert.equal(error.lineNumber, 7, "error is on line 7"); let stack = parseStack(error.stack); let frame = stack.pop() assert.equal(frame.fileName, uri + "boomer.js", "module that threw is first in the stack"); frame = stack.pop() assert.equal(frame.fileName, uri + "main.js", "module that called it is next in the stack"); assert.equal(frame.lineNumber, 7, "caller line is in the stack"); assert.equal(stack.pop().fileName, module.uri, "this test module is next in the stack"); } finally { unload(loader); } }; exports['test require json'] = function (assert) { let data = require('./fixtures/loader/json/manifest.json'); assert.equal(data.name, 'Jetpack Loader Test', 'loads json with strings'); assert.equal(data.version, '1.0.1', 'loads json with strings'); assert.equal(data.dependencies.async, '*', 'loads json with objects'); assert.equal(data.dependencies.underscore, '*', 'loads json with objects'); assert.equal(data.contributors.length, 4, 'loads json with arrays'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(data.contributors), 'loads json with arrays'); data.version = '2.0.0'; let newdata = require('./fixtures/loader/json/manifest.json'); assert.equal(newdata.version, '2.0.0', 'JSON objects returned should be cached and the same instance'); try { require('./fixtures/loader/json/invalid.json'); assert.fail('Error not thrown when loading invalid json'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err, 'error thrown when loading invalid json'); assert.ok(/JSON\.parse/.test(err.message), 'should thrown an error from JSON.parse, not attempt to load .json.js'); } // Try again to ensure an empty module isn't loaded from cache try { require('./fixtures/loader/json/invalid.json'); assert.fail('Error not thrown when loading invalid json a second time'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err, 'error thrown when loading invalid json a second time'); assert.ok(/JSON\.parse/.test(err.message), 'should thrown an error from JSON.parse a second time, not attempt to load .json.js'); } }; exports['test setting metadata for newly created sandboxes'] = function(assert) { let addonID = 'random-addon-id'; let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/cycles/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri }, id: addonID }); let dbg = new Debugger(); dbg.onNewGlobalObject = function(global) { dbg.onNewGlobalObject = undefined; let metadata = Cu.getSandboxMetadata(global.unsafeDereference()); assert.ok(metadata, 'this global has attached metadata'); assert.equal(metadata.URI, uri + 'main.js', 'URI is set properly'); assert.equal(metadata.addonID, addonID, 'addon ID is set'); } let program = main(loader, 'main'); }; exports['test require .json, .json.js'] = function (assert) { let testjson = require('./fixtures/loader/json/test.json'); assert.equal(testjson.filename, 'test.json', 'require("./x.json") should load x.json, not x.json.js'); let nodotjson = require('./fixtures/loader/json/nodotjson.json'); assert.equal(nodotjson.filename, 'nodotjson.json.js', 'require("./x.json") should load x.json.js when x.json does not exist'); nodotjson.data.prop = 'hydralisk'; // require('nodotjson.json') and require('nodotjson.json.js') // should resolve to the same file let nodotjsonjs = require('./fixtures/loader/json/nodotjson.json.js'); assert.equal(nodotjsonjs.data.prop, 'hydralisk', 'js modules are cached whether access via .json.js or .json'); }; exports['test invisibleToDebugger: false'] = function (assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/cycles/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri } }); main(loader, 'main'); let dbg = new Debugger(); let sandbox = loader.sandboxes[uri + 'main.js']; try { dbg.addDebuggee(sandbox); assert.ok(true, 'debugger added visible value'); } catch(e) { assert.fail('debugger could not add visible value'); } }; exports['test invisibleToDebugger: true'] = function (assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/cycles/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri }, invisibleToDebugger: true }); main(loader, 'main'); let dbg = new Debugger(); let sandbox = loader.sandboxes[uri + 'main.js']; try { dbg.addDebuggee(sandbox); assert.fail('debugger added invisible value'); } catch(e) { assert.ok(true, 'debugger did not add invisible value'); } }; exports['test console global by default'] = function (assert) { let uri = root + '/fixtures/loader/globals/'; let loader = Loader({ paths: { '': uri }}); let program = main(loader, 'main'); assert.ok(typeof program.console === 'object', 'global `console` exists'); assert.ok(typeof program.console.log === 'function', 'global `console.log` exists'); let loader2 = Loader({ paths: { '': uri }, globals: { console: fakeConsole }}); let program2 = main(loader2, 'main'); assert.equal(program2.console, fakeConsole, 'global console can be overridden with Loader options'); function fakeConsole () {}; }; require('test').run(exports);