'use strict'; const tabs = require('sdk/tabs'); const { isPrivate } = require('sdk/private-browsing'); const { getOwnerWindow } = require('sdk/private-browsing/window/utils'); const { promise: windowPromise, close, focus } = require('sdk/window/helpers'); const { getMostRecentBrowserWindow } = require('sdk/window/utils'); exports.testOpenTabWithPrivateActiveWindowNoIsPrivateOption = function(assert, done) { let window = getMostRecentBrowserWindow().OpenBrowserWindow({ private: true }); windowPromise(window, 'load').then(focus).then(function (window) { assert.ok(isPrivate(window), 'new window is private'); tabs.open({ url: 'about:blank', onOpen: function(tab) { assert.ok(isPrivate(tab), 'new tab is private'); assert.ok(isPrivate(getOwnerWindow(tab)), 'new tab window is private'); assert.strictEqual(getOwnerWindow(tab), window, 'the tab window and the private window are the same'); close(window).then(done, assert.fail); } }) }, assert.fail).then(null, assert.fail); } exports.testOpenTabWithNonPrivateActiveWindowNoIsPrivateOption = function(assert, done) { let window = getMostRecentBrowserWindow().OpenBrowserWindow({ private: false }); windowPromise(window, 'load').then(focus).then(function (window) { assert.equal(isPrivate(window), false, 'new window is not private'); tabs.open({ url: 'about:blank', onOpen: function(tab) { assert.equal(isPrivate(tab), false, 'new tab is not private'); assert.equal(isPrivate(getOwnerWindow(tab)), false, 'new tab window is not private'); assert.strictEqual(getOwnerWindow(tab), window, 'the tab window and the new window are the same'); close(window).then(done, assert.fail); } }) }, assert.fail).then(null, assert.fail); } exports.testOpenTabWithPrivateActiveWindowWithIsPrivateOptionTrue = function(assert, done) { let window = getMostRecentBrowserWindow().OpenBrowserWindow({ private: true }); windowPromise(window, 'load').then(focus).then(function (window) { assert.ok(isPrivate(window), 'new window is private'); tabs.open({ url: 'about:blank', isPrivate: true, onOpen: function(tab) { assert.ok(isPrivate(tab), 'new tab is private'); assert.ok(isPrivate(getOwnerWindow(tab)), 'new tab window is private'); assert.strictEqual(getOwnerWindow(tab), window, 'the tab window and the private window are the same'); close(window).then(done, assert.fail); } }) }, assert.fail).then(null, assert.fail); } exports.testOpenTabWithNonPrivateActiveWindowWithIsPrivateOptionFalse = function(assert, done) { let window = getMostRecentBrowserWindow().OpenBrowserWindow({ private: false }); windowPromise(window, 'load').then(focus).then(function (window) { assert.equal(isPrivate(window), false, 'new window is not private'); tabs.open({ url: 'about:blank', isPrivate: false, onOpen: function(tab) { assert.equal(isPrivate(tab), false, 'new tab is not private'); assert.equal(isPrivate(getOwnerWindow(tab)), false, 'new tab window is not private'); assert.strictEqual(getOwnerWindow(tab), window, 'the tab window and the new window are the same'); close(window).then(done, assert.fail); } }) }, assert.fail).then(null, assert.fail); }