SC.loadPackage({ 'SuperGlue': { comment: 'Hello friend, I am SuperGlue!\nMy single instance is the central object of the system. It provides the start routine with method SuperGlue>>init, and stores itsself in the global variable window.SuperGlue', sharedProperties: { version: { comment: 'SuperGlue\'s current version is...', initValue: '1.0' } }, properties: { document: { comment: 'This is the current document.' }, selection: { comment: 'The selection is the focus of the editor, holding on or more elements to edit.' }, clipboard: { comment: 'This is a proxy to the operating system\'s clipboard.' }, history: { comment: 'The editing history is a stack object with undo/redo-methods.' }, windowManager: { comment: 'I have a windowManager which holds the 2nd-level editing interface.' }, keyboard: { comment: 'This is a controller object processing keyboard commands.' }, server: { comment: 'I keep an interface to the server under the current domain (if available).' }, fileManager: { comment: 'I provide a FileManager for the user\'s file system on the server (if available).' }, askBeforeUnload: { comment: 'Shall I ask the user before reloading the page?', transform: function(val){ return val ? (window.onbeforeunload = function(){ return 'Do you want to cancel your work and don\'t save it?' }) : (window.onbeforeunload = void 0); } } }, methods: { init: { comment: 'I am SuperGlue\'s start routine, yay!', code: function(){ // Initialization of the whole system is "mission critical", // so any failure should be catched and reported to the user. try { // Set SmallClasses's error handling during init SC.setHandlerForMessageNotUnderstood(function(selector, errorMsg, context){ console.log('Error with selector: ', selector, ' in context: ', context); throw new Error(errorMsg); }); // Explicit failures var metaData = document.querySelector('meta[name=generator]'); if( metaData.getAttribute('content') !== 'SuperGlue' ){ throw new Error('This is not a SuperGlue page, you can\'t change it.') } if('compareVersions', { pageVersion: metaData.getAttribute('data-superglue-version'), pluginVersion: this.class.get('version') }) ){ throw new Error( 'This page needs version ' + metaData.getAttribute('data-superglue-version') + '. Please update your SuperGlue browser add-on.' ) } // Make myself a global object (the only one, thou shall not have others beside me) window.SuperGlue = this; // Initialize all main components of the system this.set({ document: SC.init('Document') }); this.set({ selection: SC.init('Selection'), clipboard: SC.init('Clipboard'), history: SC.init('History'), windowManager: SC.init('WindowManager'), keyboard: SC.init('Keyboard'), server: SC.init('Server', window.document.location.origin), fileManager: SC.init('FileManager') }); this.get('document').do('setUpWorkspace'); // Finish initialization this.set({'askBeforeUnload' : true}); var editingMarker = document.createElement('meta'); editingMarker.setAttribute('name', 'superglue-mode'); editingMarker.setAttribute('content', 'editing'); editingMarker.setAttribute('data-superglue', 'editing-interface'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(editingMarker); // Reset SmallClasses's error handling to normal SC.setHandlerForMessageNotUnderstood(); // Print console.log console.log([ '************************************************', ' SuperGlue editor has successfully started!', '', ' To access the running system\'s code', ' open the bystem browser, just enter', ' >\'SCSystemBrowser\', \'open\')', '************************************************' ].join('\n')); // Flash the outlines SuperGlue.get('document').set({ showOutlines: true }); window.setTimeout(function(){ SuperGlue.get('document').set({ showOutlines: false }); }, 700); } catch(error) { // Catch any initialization error alert('Something went wrong starting SuperGlue\'s editing tool.\n\n' + error.message); console.log('Failed to initialize SuperGlue:\n', error); return; } } }, savePage: { comment: 'I save the current page to a SuperGlue server. My parameters are { path: aString, remoteOrigin: aString }.', code: function(saveOptions){ var thisPage = SC.init('Compiler').get('pageAsHTML5'), server = saveOptions.remoteOrigin ? SC.init('Server', saveOptions.remoteOrigin) : this.get('server'); this.get('windowManager').set({ activityIndicator: true });'uploadHTML', { path: saveOptions.path, data: thisPage, onerror: function(){ SuperGlue.get('windowManager').set({ activityIndicator: false }); console.log(this); alert('Critical error: The page could not be saved.\nSee console for more details.'); }, onprogress: function(){ }, onresponse: function(){ SuperGlue.get('windowManager').set({ activityIndicator: false }); } }) } }, compareVersions: { comment: 'I check for version compatability of page and plugin. Return is true for out-of-date!', code: function (arg) { var v1 = arg.pageVersion, v2 = arg.pluginVersion, v1parts = v1.split('.'), v2parts = v2.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < v1parts.length; ++i) { if (v2parts.length == i) { return true; } if (v1parts[i] == v2parts[i]) { continue; } else if (v1parts[i] > v2parts[i]) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (v1parts.length != v2parts.length) { return false; } return false; } } } }});